More Demons

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"Are you sure it's safe?,, Lapis asked. "Yeah Lazuli, he didn't explored much of his powers, so he won't be that much dangerous.,, Bipper answered." And you can stay here with Finn and wait for us.,, Wirt added. Then he and Bipper left Lapis and Finn at the beginning of the woods. "Should I be worried? What if they won't come back? What if they got hurt? ,, " Don't worry Lapis, I'm sure they will come back.,,

Marco was in the woods, sitting next to a tree. He felt guilty for what he has done. He almost killed his parents! And it's all because of that stupid curse. Then he heared something." Who's there? I have powers and I'm not affraid to use them!,, and he ignited his hands. He looked behind him and blue fireball structed him." Well, I got powers too, you meatsack.,, and Bipper came out of a bush, still with his hand on fire.His face had the crazy look again. "Wanna play?,, and the fire in his hand grew bigger. He was about to struct him again, but Wirt stopped him. " That's enough. Let me talk to him.,, then he steped in front of the young demon. "Hello Marco,, " H-how do you know my name? Who are you? ,, "This is Bipper and I'm Wirt .He's omniscient, that's how I know your name.,, Marco calmed down. This guy seemmed to be very nice." What do you want from me?,, " We want you to join us. We are looking for people like you. People who were effected with magic, well, in the bad way. So what do you say? Will you join us?,,

"You came back! And you convinced him to come with us.,, Lapis cherred when she saw them walking from the woods."See, I told ya that they will come back. Oh, hello I'm Ice prince Finn. And you are?,," I'm Marco. I didn't thought that there will be just four of you.,, "Yes, were not a large group. I should go talk to Wirt. You can now meet the last member. ,, and he left to Wirt that was refilling his lantern. Marco looked behind him and saw Lapis." Um, hello I'm Marco.,, "Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Lapis Lazuli, but call me just Lapis.

Meanwhile, when Lapis and Marco were getting to know each other, Finn were talking with Wirt about the new addition. "Like I sayd Finn, he's not dangerous and definetly not a threat to us. Look at him, he even made Lapis laugh.,, and he pointed at Lapis laughing at some of Marco's jokes." Yes, you're mabey right I'm being more paranoid and I don't think Bipper is still keeping my mind sane. But now we should get some rest. This was a long day for everyone.,,

After they prepeard for the night, Biper took the guard. When almost everyone slept Finn was still awake. He saw Bipper talk to blank space again. He knew that it was the boy that owned this body before. But he didn't cared so much. He knew what will happen to him. Wirt told him that he will become something more powerful. Wirt saw it in the boy's soul. He will become a demon.

I finally did it. Another chapter of this fanfict! It took me so long to finish this.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2019 ⏰

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