family time

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After that incident 1 and half week had sanskar is perfectly these weeks ragini couldnt talk with sanskar bcse whenever she calls him to ask about his health sanskar told her that he feels sleepy,he wants to rest,he felt tired,he wants to talk with swara,or his mom is near him like that he continuosly gave her lame excuses ....ragini didnt took it seriously...she just felt that really he means it so she gave him time....she decides to meet him after he got cured perfectly....

Likewise in swalak side

In these 1 and half weeks swara herself didnt call laksh bcse she didnt got time....she always very busy in taking care of sanskar and she is in busy to go to her house and kapoor these she didnt got time to talk with him....

Whenever laksh called her sanskar kept calling swara  to do this or that for him...due to this swara couldnt talk with laksh ...she just apologized to him for not giving time to him...bcse of this laksh really felt pissed off ....but didnt show to swara....

@one fine day,evening

Shivanya:princess....shall we go out today for family dinner...

Ragini:wow its gud idea bhabi....but bhabi at today morning bhaiya said that he had important meeting today so he will be late na then how can we go without him ???

Shivanya:no wry... He said that he will come directly there....

Ragini:thats cool....okay bhabi did u informed this to mom and dad(ap,krishna) my bandar...

Shivanya:few minutes before only ur bhai told me so till now i didnt tell them...

Ragini:okay bhabi....u just get ready and ask maa papa to be ready...i will go and inform them...

Saying this she about to go to taneja house which is opposite to her home...

Shivanya:okay but before that take ur dress  and go....

Ragini:no need some clothes are there in bandar's cupboard na...i will get ready there...

Shivanya:okay the time is 6.30 so dont waste ur time in speaking eo...we have to leave from here at 8 ...mind it...

Ragini:i will not take that much time to get ready chill...okay bye....

@taneja house

Ragini:mom where are u ??? Mom

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Ragini:mom where are u ???
...she shouted

Ap:while coming from kitchen she closed her ears by her hands .....arey meri princess why are u shouting like this.....

Ragini:sorry maa i didnt find u thats y....okay what are u doing ??

Ap:now only i left to kitchen to prepare something for dinner...

Ragini:thank god i came before u started ..

Ap:why are u telling like that...did u guys planned something??

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