I should have...

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(Just to let you guys know, this is the last part of I wonder... until the next part in the next book. I hope you enjoyed reading I wonder... it was a great run and I enjoyed writing this story. And to how much Read it as well warms my heart. Thank you so much for reading and I hope I see you guys in my newest book "A little bit more attitude" and the next part Of I wonder... the second book. I'm not going to reveal the second part's story name until tomorrow because I don't want it to be spoiled for the people that are just reading this chapter. It may be revealed tomorrow when I post the Introduction of "A little bit more attitude". But enough stalling... let's see how this part "ends" )

Webby's POV:

"W-where I'm I...?"

When I woke up, I panicked. It looks like I'm in some rustic place with water droplets dripping from the ceiling, with a chair, a three-legged table, and a door right in front of me. 

Then I suddenly remembered what happened... HE KIDDNAPED ME! That ducking douchebag Kiddnaped me! After everything Jackson and I went through... and he does this... I thought our friendship met something to him... but now I know... his just a duck that wants something to have to himself. This is disgusting of him to do this to someone that cared for him... CARED! Instead, he lets my heart crumble... TWICE! 

As I was thinking to myself once more, I hear footsteps... 

...his coming...

"Oh, looks like my princess has finally woken up~"

"JACKSON!!!! let me go this instant!"

"But sweetie... your "boyfriend" hasn't shown up yet..."

What in the world is he planning? I know it's something terrible, just don't know what that is... I just hope someone will find me... If anyone knows I'm gone yet. It could be Lola that found me and I would be thankful! I just need to get out of here! I can't stay here forever with this damn psychopath. If anything, he will attempt killing anyone that looks my way.


"Do you think I would tell you?? HA! well, you are wrong! If anything, that would be stupid of me to do".

He may be holding me hostage, but what he doesn't know is that I have a very talented granny that trained me to be in situations like this. There is a pocket knife in my back pocket if I could only reach it... 

As he begins to walk over to the three-legged table, I try moving my hand to reach my back pocket.  Luckily, my hand bearly gets into my back pocket.  I got it! Now to cut me hands-free, I could reach my ankles and try to call the police! I cut open the ropes from my hands and ankles, get up from my "trap", and tried looking for my phone... wait where's my phone...

"...Looking for this sweetness....?". Dang, it! He has my phone...

"Trying to call the police on me? Pfft, even I know better to grab your phone away from you!"

"You're smart enough to grab my phone, but not my pocket knife?? I'm going to finish you, right here... right now!"

"I wouldn't possibly fight the one I love!"

"Try me..."

Dewey's POV:

"First things first, I need something that will help me find Webby!"

Webby is missing, kidnapped, gone... and it's all my fault! If I didn't leave her sight, this wouldn't have happened! I shouldn't have done her orders! I should have followed Jackson! I should have... I should have...

I sat on the hospital bed repeatedly saying "I should have... I should have..."

Then Scrooge sat next to me saying " Seating here sobbing in front of the hospital camera won't help find Webby lad.."

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