05 Orientation

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As breakfast was winding down the conversation turned to me and what had happened. I found it hard to start so Sandy took over the conversation.

"Your recovery has really been remarkable, even with magical means. It looks like your broken bones have knitted back together already, and that normally takes six weeks or more. It can take several months for a full recovery. I have a charm that would cut the healing time in half, but you've managed it in a couple days. How are you feeling?"

"I feel better. A lot better," I replied. "Not that I'm perfect or anything. My whole body feels sore, my bones ache, and I still feel a bit shaky. I'm alert, though, and very happy to be alive. It feels really nice to do something normal like eat breakfast." I smiled at Sandy. "Although I would hardly call this a normal breakfast! This qualified as a feast! I don't think I've had a breakfast like this in forever."

"And what a fine feast it was, too." John pushed back his plate with a regretful sigh. "I only wish I had more room to continue to enjoy it."

He waved a finger at me. "Don't expect this all the time. She's just trying to get you addicted. Once you're hooked on the Sandy Special there ain't no going back. You are her slave forever."

Sandy laughed. "Aww. Thanks, John. You make such a nice slave, too. Now move all those muscles and get me some more sweet tea before I beat you and throw you in the dungeon."

John took her glass as he looked at me tragically. "She's been promising me that for years. I get my hopes up, but, somehow, it never happens."

"Oh, whatever," Sandy said with a playful smile.

Sunshine gave her glass to John as well and looked over at me. "These two can go on like that for hours. I usually ignore them and let them play."

"Let's get back to you and how you are doing," Sandy said. "When you first came here your jaw was shattered and your arm was broken, along with all of your ribs. You were so bruised you looked like an extra in a zombie movie. I know you are feeling better but I don't want you to start overdoing it. Give yourself time and you will be fine."

"Having a Waker Moment can be tough, and yours was a real doozy. Just go easy on yourself for a while. You have time to keep healing."

Sandy and John nodded in agreement as I just looked confused. "There is so much I don't know about all this so I'm going to start asking. What is a Waker Moment?"

Sandy gathered herself. "I guess this is as good a time as any for your orientation. Annabeth, John, I would appreciate it if you would help me out." She turned to Annabeth. "I did Annabeth's orientation on my own, and it was a disaster. A complete disaster."

"Oh now, it wasn't that bad." Sunshine reached over and patted her hand. "It was all just a bit much to take in. In all fairness, I was hurting so much from having to leave my family that I needed someone to be mad at. You let me be pissy with you for a while and that was what I needed. I've adjusted to this new magical life, accepted my new beginning, so all's well that ends well."

I couldn't imagine Little Miss Sunshine being mad at anybody. I guess everyone has a darker side. I also realized I knew her name now. I'd been calling her Sunshine for a while now and that just seemed like her name. Annabeth. It was nice. It fit her. I'm not that great with names so I repeated it three times in my head and used it in a sentence. I'd learned that little trick from a guy in a poker game. He'd remembered everyone's name right off the bat and, after I'd remarked on it, he let me in on his secret. He had other secrets too; as I remember, I'd lost the game to him.

Sandy turned back to me and continued. "A Waker Moment is the defining event of great need that causes a supernatural's ability to appear. Something happens that causes great mental or physical distress, often to the point of dying, and your power breaks free to save you. Once your power is free it's the start of a whole new life. You aren't a mundane any more. You're a supernatural."

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