chapter 18

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Tony p.o.v

We had met reiji and he gave us special cards to travel to the synchro dimension when we got to the synchro dimension we were all separated it was just me, rin, and ruri and we didn't know where yuya, gong Sylvio, Selena, reiji, shun, moonshadow, or reiji's little sister riley and we were just walking around new domino city to find someone who can help us buy I found a random card on the field and the card was Black Winged Dragon then we got lucky by finding reiji

Tony - hey reiji

Reiji - Tony there you are

Tony - since we found each other maybe we should head for the city council

Reiji - yes I agree

Then we headed for the city council when we got there we were talking to them

Tony - look I know our friends and that dueling monkey will be here soon and will be forced to duel in the friendship cup so I propose that I challenge Jack Atlas in a exhibition match

Head councillor - your request is approved

Then our friends showed and some guy was talking to the council and he told them that Yuya will face Jack Atlas

Head councillor - actually we already have a challenger for Jack Atlas

??? - what who

Reiji - I'll tell you who they chose

??? - who

Reiji - his name is Tony

Then I walked out

Tony - hey guys wish me luck hey crow think fast

Then crow grabbed the card and saw the card I gave him

Tony - something tells me that card belongs with you after all I found it on the ground a place where a card doesn't belong

Crow - ok thanks

Tony - oh and when a member of the Lancers losses the get sent back here make that a rule or else you face the wrath of the EGYPTIAN GODS

Head councillor - request granted

Then I left for the stadium to get ready for my match against Jack Atlas and when I got there I saw the duel runner I was going to be using

Then I left for the stadium to get ready for my match against Jack Atlas and when I got there I saw the duel runner I was going to be using

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Then I got on the duel runner and got out my Legendary Dragons of Atlantis Deck and left for my duel

Announcer - hello and welcome to the friendship cup and first we have an exhibition match so here is the challenger he claims to be a genius it's Tony

When I made my way out there all I heard was booing

Announcer - and now we have the master of faster JACK ATLAS

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