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Taehyung was deep asleep, he didn't even hear anyone come into his room.
The last night he roamed around the whole room trying to think of a way to get both, his family and jungkook out of this situation. He felt tired and slept around 6am.

It was around 12pm when someone came into his room.

His phone was sitting somewhere else and he was laying flat on his chest with blanket on his back.

The person dragged a chair quietly right next to him and sat there.

"Oh Taehyung. If I wasn't after Jungkook I'd definitely go after you. No matter how much you love your Jungkookie, I won't let you get him. I hope you know that these are the last two days in which you'll see him. Sleep tight, it's a bumpy ride ahead." He whispered all to him and smirked.

He got up and left the room quietly. Soon after a while Namjoon entered the room.

"Taehyung get up, we're going for lunch, get up."

"Ughh don't bother me."

He buried his face in his pillow.

"I said get up." Namjoon snatched his blanket off of him.

Taehyung got up, pissed since he woke him up from his sleep.

"Get ready we're going out."

"You guys go. I don't want to."

"No's not an option."

Namjoon left the room and Taehyung got in the shower. He got ready and came down.

Everyone was waiting for him. As soon as he came down they got up and started moving out towards the car.

Soon they arrived at the mall. Taehyung was clearly in tension ever since he woke up. He had very less time and he had to still find out Jungkook's whereabouts.

They stopped at some restaurant and ordered their meals.

Everyone was talking while taehyung was deep in his phone, continously texting and calling Jungkook, but no response from his side.

"Taehyung what's wrong? Ever since we've been here you've been constantly on your phone, something wrong?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah umm, I..," He thought of lying to them so he said this instead.

"I was trying to get in touch with Jin hyung, if it's ok can he come as well?"

"Sure invite him over." Hoseok replied quickly as if he knew he was going to say this.

"Alright I'll be back, let me call him."

He went away from the table and now he had to call Jin to invite him over, knowing he might be busy.
On the third ring Jin picked up the call.

"Hello umm Jin?"

"Hey Taehyung what's up?"

"Umm listen can you come over to the mall?"

"Like right now?"

"Yeah, I kind of committed my friends you were coming so can you just quickly get here?"

"Taehyung you should've asked me first."

"I know I'm sorry but I'll explain something to you if you come. Please just get here right now."

"Ahh, I'm coming over wait."

"Ok see you."

He went back to the table. Like before everyone was Still talking.

"So Taehyung what did you think about the dinner tonight?" Jimin asked him.

"Umm Jimin I didn't think about that."

"Well think now."

"Umm Jimin I'm telling you it's fine, you don't have to do this."

"But please Taehyung like I said before I want to. Give me one chance."


"Taehyung please. Do we have to go through this all over again?"

"Ugh ok I'll go but just a dinner and we're coming straight back home after that."

"Yes of course."

Taehyung started poking his phone again when Hoseok asked him.

"You guys are going to dinner?"

"Yes Hobi, umm I hope it's ok if I take him out for dinner, it's not a date." Jimin replied.

"Yes baby definitely, go ahead. I think he deserves this one. Who knows when will he get another one."

"What?" Taehyung asked in shock.

"Sorry nothing, just came out of my mouth."


When all of them were almost done eating Jin came.

"Hey Taehyung."

"Hi there, come sit."

"Everyone this is Jin. My brother. Jin this is Hoseok, Jimin, Namjoon and Yoongi."

"Nice to meet you all."

After they met him, they got back to their meals and Taehyung started talking to him.

"Hyung I think we have a problem."

"Problem? What's wrong?"

"Hyung, I got another call yesterday."

"Wait did you tell hi-"

Before he could speak he knew it wasn't a safe place to talk there so he excused himself and Taehyung out of the table.

"Now tell me. Did you tell him?"

"I was about to tell him the very night. But then he started acting strange. Going all pshyco on me. He was so mad that he even talked about hurting me. Next day he told me I'm moving with Hoseok and he still wasn't on talking terms with me."

"What do you mean, what's wrong with him?"

"I don't know Hyung, last night I got another call saying my times over but I begged him and he gave me two days. Now Jungkook's gone missing. He isn't attending any calls or replying back to any text. I don't know what am I going to do."

"Firstly calm down and think of getting him back. Now go and somehow find Jungkook I don't care how. I want him."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is Taehyung you've gotten in serious trouble and you're taking us down with you too, find him, bring him, or you're done."

"Jin why are you talking like that?"

"Because I'm fucking worried about my family, I can't afford to loose them. You hear me? Bring Jungkook. I want him."


"No buts, find him, bring him, I don't want any excuses."

Jin just left Taehyung standing there speechless. What was the behavior? All of a sudden he acted and sounded like the guy. But Taehyung shook off those thoughts because Jin was right he had to find Jungkook soon.

"Guy's I gotta be somewhere soon, see you at home. And you at dinner Jimin, text me the place."

Taehyung quickly exited the scene. Hoseok quickly ran after him.

"Taehyung is everything alright?"

"No. Yes. Im in a hurry Hoseok."

"Well I was just saying, take my car, we'll come back on an Uber."

"Thank you so much. You're an angel in disguise."

Taehyung just ran out of the mall and God knows where.

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