Chapter 5

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I am lifted up on my platform. I look around and find Hugo on my left, Jay on my right. There is a forest on my right and a city to my left. then the gong sounds. I sprint to the cornucopia. I find a box and open it. weapons! I hear someone coming. I jump into the box grab a dagger and bury myself, trying to be mindful of the tips of the weapons.

Its a few hours before someone comes to look through my box. when they open it I jump out and wait a second when she tries to attack me I dodge and stab her heart. A gong sounds and she falls dead. I grab a bag and start filling it with a sleeping back, thermoses, mach's, some blow darts, some dried fruit, jerky and some crackers also some snare wire. I take a sword belt and put a sword and some throwing knives. Luckily no one has taken the bow. I grab it and the quiver, slinging them onto my back. I walk out and climb to the top of the metallic structure.

Once at the top I see the careers camped out by a fire. I Grab my bow and an arrow. I shoot the first arrow and hit a career in the heart I shoot all the others except one. Copper. I jump down sword ready. He charges at me. I hear five gongs. that's 15 people dead more than half of us. I raise my sword. he attacks first. I block. he swipes again. I charge at his legs slicing a deep gash in his right thigh. I hit his right shoulder aiming for his strong arm. He drops his sword and I grab it, pointing it at his chest.

"Go, run and I won't kill you right now." I tell him.

"okay, but this isn't over, Hope." He sprints into the city. I take one of my mach's and light the cornucopia on fire so no one else can use any supplies. I then run into the woods as the sinking feeling of killing six people fills my stomach.

I climb a tree and notice a group of three running on the top of a pile of rocks. I climb down and run in the direction of the rocks when I finally catch up I hear maria say, "Did you hear that?" Jay raises a bow. they must have had more than one. Hugo lifts a knife and Maria a spear. they must have had time to get enough weapons and supplies. I walk closer bow ready in case they shoot.

"Wait, stop!" Maria shouts, "It's, it's, Arya!"

"Hi guys." I say. Hugo comes and lifts me up, spinning around.

"we thought you died!" Hugo says.

"what happened? we heard six gongs go of!" Jay adds. I take of my leather jacket and flannel shirt, stuffing them in my bag.

"All the careers except for Copper are dead." I say.

"How, who, or why?" Maria asks.

"I killed and wounded them. I got these to." I say showing them my supplies. "I burned the rest."

"Really?" maria asks.

"really. we should start walking towards the city. that's where everyone went I can set some snares and we can get them in the morning. lets make camp nearby. I saw a cave a little of the ways down." We start walking down the hill until we come across a cave. I crawl in first.

"All clear!" I yell. one by one my allies jumped in.

"Do you think we're safe sleeping here?" Maria asks.

"Yeah. we should be fine. we can take watches." her brother replies.

"I'll take first watch." I offer.

"Uh, yeah no. You need sleep." Hugo says.

"I just killed six people do you think I'll be able to sleep?" I say back, "I can take first three hours."

"Fine. But wake me up if you need anything." I roll my eyes, Hugo should know I can take care of myself.

"Can I take watch with you?" maria asks when I sit at the entrance of the cave.

"Sure maria." I say.

"I couldn't have done it. I was to afraid to even go to the cornucopia. Jay and Hugo got my stuff. We thought you where behind us, when a whole day went by and you weren't there in the morning we figured you must be dead."

"A whole day?"

"yeah, I was scared. for you and us."

"I'm sorry." I mumble.

"How would you have known? At least you're here know and the only career out there is mortally wounded."

"Yeah I guess that's true." the rest of the night we sit in silence. Maria ends up falling asleep so I'm the only one on guard.

"I can take it from here." Hugo says scaring me so much I almost shoot him.

"Whoa! Calm down. I ain't gonna kill ya."

"sorry you just startled me."

"You can sleep know Arya."

"No I can't! I can't sleep with my mind yelling at me! I can't sleep with the dreams screaming at me,I can't Okay? I was picked at random between 5,000 other kids to be in a fight against the odds to find out who dies and which one lives. Can you sleep?" I ask.

"I am sorry I really am, but you need your energy. we will need you in the morning." I nod and get up to walk to my sleeping bag. As I stand though Hugo grabs my wrist. he motions for me to sit in his lap. I grab my flannel and leather jackets, along with the sleeping bag to use as a blanket.

I wake up in the morning to blazing heat. I get of a still sleeping Hugo and Take of the flannel shirt and jacket. I walk over to my bag and dump out the supplies. taking the two other bags and dumping them as well. we have three bags of crackers, two bags of dried fruit four of dried jerky. two sleeping bags and three canteens. we had a few matches.we also had two pairs of night glasses. I split the supplies into the three bags. I stuff my jackets into my bag and then pile up all our weapons. Hugo has five knives my belt holds seven along with a sword. Maria had two spears. Me and jay both had bows,I had ten arrows he had 12. Together we're pretty loaded. I decided I would give Hugo my knife belt Along with my knives. Not the sword though, that was too important. 

"what are you doing?" Maria asks rubbing her eyes.

"Sorting supplies. Wanna go hunting?" 

"That sounds great. we haven't gone yet. should we tell the boys?"

"Nah. Let them worry." 

She grabs her spear and I grab my bow and arrows. We walk out turning right around realizing our bags where still in the cave.

"You ever been Hunting?" She asks.


"I only caught rabbits." 

Once we walk back with four whole rabbits we collect fire wood. Walking into the cave we're welcomed by Hugo and Jay getting ready and yelling at each other for letting us be taken and killed. Looking back we probably should have told them.

"What the heck where you thinking!" Hugo yells at me. I hold up the rabbits, hopping it will calm him.

"You think I care about a few stupid rabbits! Me and jay have been worried sick waiting for a sign that you where still maybe alive. We heard a canon and thought that maybe one of you was dead when the other had escaped!"

"Sorry?" I see Jay and maria hug in the corner of my eye. I roll my eyes and he glares at me.

"You think this is funny? I almost got myself killed for you! I can't believe you don't care."

"I didn't want to wake you." I say pulling my flannel shirt out and tying it to my waist. "by the way I brought you back lunch." I say holding up the four rabbits.

"We should move out." Jay says "start for the city." I nod in agreement, following Maria out of the cave.

"I'm sorry." I say to Maria, " I didn't mean to make them angry."

"I told you we should tell them." She responds. I Hike to the front of the group and decide to be look out, Maria stands at the back, eyeing the woods cautiously.

After about an hour I see the clearing. "I see the end of the woods." I shout back to the rest of the group. I bring an arrow to my bow and run forward. I see the burnt cornucopia and the career camp. 

That's when he jumps out.

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