wandering the wards

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As director of nursing Mr Adrian Fletcher is always walking around and knows everyone who works there, or so he thought...

Adrian (Fletch to his friends) jogs up the stairs to check on his colleagues on Keller, he knows there is a new ward opening up and wants to go and check it out. Straight through the double doors he skips, almost bumping into his friend Sacha Levy.

"I'm so sorry Sacha, anyway morning how's everything going?", says Fletch with a wide, bright smile.

"Don't worry about it mate, things are okay, I would stay and chat but i've been called down to the ED, sorry", Sacha replies.

Fletch gives Sacha a quick nod before continuing into the ward.

"Morning, Dom. Morning, Essie." Fletch exclaims.

"Morning!" both Essie and Dom reply.

Around the corner is the new ward, as Fletch walks past he spots a face, a familiar face but who is she...

The clogs in Fletch's brain start to turn. He tries to dig out where he has seen the women's face before, going right to the back of his mind but it's not working.

"Where do i know her from?!" he mutters to himself.

He stands staring for a minute longer but it's not working, he just can't remember who she is.

With a sigh he continues to walk the wards, with a little less joy in his step, all he can think about is the familiar face on YAU.

He plods down the corridor towards the doors to AAU and the lovely snack machine, and we all know those things never want to work.

"Seriously" comes a voice from around the corner.

A chocolate bar stuck in the machine again, what a surprise.

"Here, let me help" Fletch smiles as he talks to the young boy, at about 10 years of age.

Fletch shakes the machine and the delightful bar drops. He picks it up and hands it to the brown haired chap.

"Thank you so much sir" the little one says while looking up at Fletch with those big brown eyes.

"Not a problem kiddo, things are always getting stuck in there." replies Fletch.

Fletch walks into a busy AAU, the staff are rushing around treating numerous patients. The wards is almost full and it seems the members of AAU are in for a hectic day.

He heads towards Lofty, who is checking a gentleman's obs.

"Morning, Lofty" Fletch says hoping for a quick chat with him between patients.

"Morning, is everything okay? Do you need me for something?" Lofty mutters quickly.

"No don't worry just came to ask how you are feeling" Fletch says with a caring tone in his voice.

"Yeah, yeah, i'm fine. I best get on tho Fletch"
Fletch nods and heads off of the ward.

He travels around the hospital onto a few more wards and checks up on some of the nursing staff before finally making his way back up to Darwin.

On Darwin he greets Jac and Nicky with a wide smile even tho the mysterious women's face is still in the back of his mind.

"Fletch my office in 5 minutes please" demands the one and only Jac Naylor.

Fletch just nods.

He heads into the ice queens den after 5 minutes. He asks her why she called him into her office, she tells him that she wants to know what is going on with him and that she can tell something is distracting him.

"So come on what is it?" Jac questions.

"The new doctor on YAU i know her from somewhere, i just can't think where from. I think i knew her when i was younger" Fletch sighs.

"Ange. Well Angel. That's her name. Try figure it out, but not during work time. The patients need you focused, not distracted by her." Jac says with a slightly harsher tone towards the end.

He nods, "now i must get back to work."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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