Meet the homeboys

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Hi my name is Colby Brock I have many Friends I would like you to meet! This is Sam Gobach "Hello!" He says in Exitment Sam is my Co-worker we both have YouTube channels mine is "Colby Brock" "and mine is Sam Gobach go follow are channel that we have together called"Sam And Colby"" said Sam with Glee I would also like you to meet the others. Colby walks out of his apartment and gos across the hall. He knocks on the door across from his. Out comes Jake Webber "Hey buddy me and ET where just deep frying a shoe" Jake says Colby in confusement looks inside of his apartment to see Reggie webber holding up a camera flimging a video for Jake where he's deep frying random things "dude it smells like cooked Vans" Colby says "yeah look" Jake points down to his vans that he cooked in the deep fryer "what in the actual hell dude" Colby says with a chuckle "well thats it for to day folk's I hope you have Wormlicious day" says Jake. Reggie behind the camera then points it towards wormie the worm panting on the wall "THE ALSKING BULL WROOOOM" Reggie says he then turns off the camera and sets it down. "well this is Jake Webber and Reggie Webber there brothers and love each other vary much". Reggie and Jake then fake fight "PoW pEW"says Jake Reggie then falls on the floor and fake crys "are you okay my brother?!" Jake says sarcasticly "hold meh" Reggie says in a fake whimper Jake then picks up Reggie and leans in for a kiss "BITCH YOU THOUGHT WHERE BROTHERS THIS ISINT FUCKING ALABAMA" Jake a Reggie say at the say time.
"Okay that's just werid" Colby says backing out of the room. He then gos into his room And see's Corey Sheer. "Hey what's up dude!" Corey says with joy "well I just want you to introduce your slef" Colby says "hi I'm Corey and I where Louie Gucci vitons boys" Corey says with a cool boi tone. Elton Castee then comes running down the hall. "Hey Colby im really sorry about your car" he says "hey it's okay man" Colby says back"but I would like you to introduce your self" Colby says in a soft mean tone."hi I'm Elton Castee and I stay over night in random places" he says luaghing "you might know me from TFIL know has "The Fuck It List" or "The Fun In Life" "Any ways it's nice to meet all of you" Elton says. Colby then dose a hand shake with Corey and Elton Singing a song that gos like this "I'm A lITtLe LuTeCe BoY" and then struts off like a little girl that just got her first Juul Juul Siwa makeup palette. Hey then walks back to his apartment and talks to Sam about hot anime babes ÕwÕ. They then have there pizza dinner and chat about what they are going to do tomorrow to start off the day.

"Where just friend's" Sam and Colby fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now