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Alexandra Garcia

I ended up staying with Megan and I told her what happened she was heated she wanted to kill Tavia and Kentrell today I was gonna go to the house and get my things I asked Megan could I drive her truck she told me she didn't care.

I grabbed my phone and my purse heading to the truck I hopped in pulling the seat up because im short and little I listened to Megan album "Fever" before I went to the house I stopped at the gas station to put some gas in the truck then I continued my route.

I arrived at the house using my key opening the door Kentrell was sleep on the couch I walked to the stairs and headed to the room I put some boxes on the bed I started with my clothes then my shoes, jewelry, wigs, and accessories I grabbed the last box that had my wigs in it and headed towards the door but Kentrell caught my attention "whatchu doing" he asked.

"What it look like I'm moving out" I said continuing on to the truck "Alex you can't leave me I didn't do it on purpose she drugged me"he said I don't know wether to believe him or not but it doesn't matter I closed the back door and look at Kentrell "Kentrell I forgive you but I gave you chance after chance and im sick of giving you chances and you mess up" I said looking at him I looked at my hand and took the ring off he gave me as a promise ring and the key he gave me to his house.

"I still love you Alex" he said grabbing me I removed his hand "I love you too but I forgive you but I won't forget" I said before getting in the truck and backing out his driveway I headed to look for some apartments I looked at a few then I found one I liked it had three bedrooms and two bathrooms.

The kitchen was beautiful of course I love staying with Megan but I wanna try living on my own plus I had protection because I have a gun case.

"So when do you wanna move in" the lady asked "I'll pay you 50,000 if you let me move in today" I said pulling the money out my purse "we got a deal" she said giving me my key I gave her the money.

Since I already had money I decided to go furniture shopping some of the things I got today some will be delivered today or tomorrow after I was done shopping I took some things to my apartment and I drove back to Megan house the drop her truck off.

"I'm back" I said walking into her room "where you been you been gone for a while"she said putting her notepad down "I bought an apartment, got my things from Kentrell, and went furniture shopping. I said all in one breathe.

"See now that's some real hot girl shit" she said sticking her tongue out "you know it" I said winking "I came to drop your truck off ima go to the mall and then back home you wanna be the first one to spend the night" I asked "of course I will" she said getting up packing her a bag "I'll be outside" I told her.

I got in the car my phone began ringing it was Kentrell I sighed and answered "yes Kentrell" I said annoyed "your doctor appointment tomorrow" he said I totally forgot all about it "okay thanks for reminding me" I said before hanging up.

Megan got in the car "you wanna come to the doctors with me tomorrow" I asked her "if I don't have to go the studio I would love too" she said she plugged her phone up to the aux cord we drove to the mall once we got out the car people started running up to meg to take pictures with her we spent a lot of money on clothes, undersets, some more furniture,and baby clothes we only got the plain ones and some stuff for a girl some stuff for a boy.

After that I dropped her off and I went back to my apartment I walked inside took a shower and laid in bed rubbing my belly "everything I do is gonna be for you little one"I said putting a smile on my face.

My "Bestfriend" Kentrell Gaulden!!Where stories live. Discover now