past is the present

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Hi guys welcome back thank you for the 8k i dont know maybe this book is about to end, will see


Nagisa pov

"Hey Kayano its only been a few days since we saw eachother and your having one of your little parties?" as i relized it wasent just a visit

Kayano nodded excitedly

"of course even tho it was a few days... I think, i dont even know but its a celebration"

"celebration of what?"

"its Mister,Pudding birthday HORAY!" out of nowhere she pull out a little dog.

Dont know what type of dog it is but it has the color of pudding.

"*swestdrop*" oh really i tought "wasent this suppost to be a visit"

Kayano seem to notice

"Nagisa i said that because if i told you it was a celbration or a party i knew you would'nt have come, so thats why i told you that." giving her pouting face

I sigh

She was right i wouldnt want to come.

She knows me to well

I look around seeing people i knew and didnt knew.

Behind me i could hear Kayano cuddling Mister Pudding so i just left them two alone

Time skip (few hours)

"Hey cutie" duh fuck.

I look behind me seeing a drunken man.

"um w-what do y-you want?" i studder

"you look cute~ wana do something fun~...?"


"what is wrong with you, hell no"

then the man grab me and pull me close to me.

I couldnt do anything since i also did drink a few (is 10 a few... Maybe lol)

No this cant be happening.

Soon memeories started flashing in my mind.

How Karma use me for his dirty work

How he use me like a toy

How he use me as his slave

How he use me in anyway he could

Not now

Not again

I guess the past is the present

Just this time is was a different person

He pull me into a hallway where no one could only if people past by but no one did...

He grab one of my arm up in wall...

He then started kissing my neck roughly even leaving marks and squeezing my ass.

I gasp and breath heavily

He put his leg between my legs moving it up

He then proceeding kissing my lips and he bit my bottom lip asking for permission but i wouldnt budge.

Tears started falling from my eyes...

Why is this happening to me.



Sooo like its been a week or two since i updated, yh? No? Idk

Just wanted to say thank you and i dont think people were expecting whst happen to Nagisa

Soo yh... 😂

My love? Karma x NagisaWhere stories live. Discover now