Morning sunshine

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Hi guys so before I start the story I just want to say I'm including E' Dawn because forever 10 :)

I wiggled under the covers feeling the warm sun burst through the window above my bed. I couldn't believe summer was here, it feels like school was over in the blink of an eye. Still tired I almost drifted back into a sweet bliss when my phone started buzzing.

"Ughh" I groaned not wanting to move from my heated spot. I reached over to my night stand and grabbed my phone. It was none other than my best friend Wooseok.

(Best friend 💚☁️) "Morning sunshine! ☀️"
(Best friend 💚☁️) " Wakey wakey! It's summer time, let's go have some fun! 😗"
(Best friend 💚☁️) Hellooo answer me doofus."

I sighed while shaking my head.
" I swear this boy" I said grinning.

Wooseok and I had gone to the same high school although he was a grade above me. He's been out for about a year now leaving me to suffer in math by myself. We all had our own friend group, " Pentagon". Everyone met by singing in the karaoke club, it was fun, but I sucked. I was surprised by how well everyone sang. Our favorite music was k-pop, that's how we all bonded so quickly. I decided to call Wooseok on FaceTime even though I looked a mess with my sloppy updo, and the fact that I haven't done my morning routine.

*Boop* * Boop* *Boop*

"ABOuT TiME" the raspy voice shouted through the phone.

I jumped, shocked by the booming voice. I regained myself by covering the speaker to my device.

"Uhh.. you there...?" Wooseok spoke with a low tone.

"Ah.. yeah yeah just... maybe not shout when it's 8:30 in the morning, thank you." I spoke while holding my head.

"I'm sorry Y/N... I was just excited is all." A moody tone rasped.

I sighed giggling. " It's alright Wooseok, I forgive youuu!" I shouted, dragging out the "you".

All of a sudden I heard a crash. It sounded like Wooseok dropped his phone from shock.

"HEY!" A shout was heard through the line.

I laughed. He was so cute when caught off guard.

"It's only sweet revenge" I smirked while playing with the curl hanging in my face.

"Haha. So. Funny." A sarcastic Wooseok spoke.

"Mhm, I'm why were you so excited may I ask?"

He gasped. "I don't think I wanna tell you anymore." He grunted.

I knew he was playful around me so I knew I could pry him to speak his mind. Unlike others they would call him "Scary" or " The Bad Boy". Honestly he was when I first met him, he was this tall, handsome, stern boy who somehow became my best friend. I'm glad he acts differently toward the group and I. I put on my best whiney voice and began with the magic.

"But oppaaa, I wanna knowww!" I said pouting.

I knew that would work cause it has every time. He'd get flustered and agree with me even when he didn't want to. It was adorable.

"Aish..." He said.

I let silence roll through so he would know he had no other choice but to tell me.

"OKAY. Fine!" He laughed. "WAnNa cOmE tO a PoOl PaRtY WiTh ThE gAnG aNd I ?!" He said with a silly tone.

I got excited. Hanging with the group was one of the best things to do. And to make things better my crush was in our little gang. I got riled up and said fast..

" YES AT JINHO'S PLACE AROUND 2:00, PERFECT! PICK ME UP WHILE YOU'RE AT IT...BYE!!" I shouted and ended the call.

Jinho was one of the members of "Pentagon".
He had the biggest pool so that's where we always went swimming or hanged out at, he was rich since his dad owned a whole business.

"Which bathing suit would Hui like the best...?" I thought while getting up. I got to look the high price for the boy I longingly admired.

Hello there! This is my first ever Wattpad story and it's about one of my favorite idols. I hope you like my book! -Miranda :)

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