My father...that narcissist

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So um this is a hard one to write! I don't have a relationship with my father at all because of who he is as a person and how he and his wife have treated me. I wanna tell my story in hopes of someone seeing it that may be going through the same thing or something similar so they know they aren't alone! Anyway here is my story....
First the back story, my father is a diagnosed narcissist and every time that he does something wrong and someone calls him out on it, automatically he turns it on them! Manipulating/Gaslighting them into believing that it's their fault because he's so twisted that he believes he's perfect and he can never do wrong well, he's always wrong!

So this will probably be out of order but let's start at the first thing that comes to mind

In the ending of summer of 2017 I went to Florida with my father and his new wife and stepkids who I already hated but wouldn't say anything for fear of him lashing out because anytime I would tell him how I felt, I was being "disrespectful" and he would completely invalidate my feelings but I digress, we finally arrived late in the day and I was sitting on the couch with Bailey and my dad! We were all getting ready to go out for dinner, but were just relaxing at the moment, but as soon as his wife saw me sitting with him she glared at me and said "Girls get in the truck!". Now I know many will say that i'm making that personalized and that i'm only making it more dramatic she probably never glared at me but that's the thing whenever I was around with my dad and just trying to talk to him she was always around and call me crazy but she always needed him whenever I tried to be around my own dad. But anyway, then in florida he constantly pointed out what I was doing wrong! Giselle or Bailey would do something and no comment towards them but I do the exact same thing and all of a sudden i'm a horrible child and I don't do anything right! (Btw this happened in Florida and all the time after that, that I was in that house)

Second, one time in summer 2017 as well, I had a friend over and was hanging out with her and Bailey because I was close with Bailey as well (As an fyi I have no hate towards Bailey!) Well I had gone in to use the bathroom and then Giselle went in after me (Just keep this in mind that Giselle went in after me!) Well I wanna say about 20-25 minutes after that we, Bailey, Kira, and I all go inside. As i'm changing in the bathroom I hear my dad screaming for me to get upstairs at the top of his lungs, so I yell back i'm getting changed and i'll be up soon I wasn't sure why he was so mad but I didn't wanna get all worked up so I just did a couple deep breaths and walked up. I saw him and his wife at the table and he looked mad as hell, so I went to go scoot out the chair and I got a little nervous like anyone would. Well he starts screaming about me acting scared and I need to stop acting scared then starts screaming about me getting my period and leaving period blood on the seat but I hadn't gotten my period yet, it wasn't supposed to come till the next day! I was confused and then I realized it must've been Giselle but I said nothing because I was so scared of him and I was crying so much cause not only was he yelling about the period blood he was making fun of my entire personality, making little remarks to tear me apart...well it worked!

Third, so this is where the timeline gets out of order! This happened December 2018! I hadn't been able to get in touch with my dad for only A COUPLE DAYS (Keep that in mind)! Well he texts me, and I promise i'm not lying to you saying this, he goes "You have not texted me in two weeks!" I also forgot to mention he's supposed to pick me up for the weekends and Wednesday's and I had tried calling him I probs called 5 times trying to ask what was going on! Then he starts guilt tripping me going on about "You don't wanna be part of this family and you're proving it with this" and then saying "You just blow smoke yo my ass" when I tried to apologize because he made me think it's my fault he wasn't talking to me. Then about a month or so after he texts me guilt tripping me again about not communicating with him when I had texted him the day before and he never answered! I tried to explain to him but he kept saying this one line "You are clearly making your choice" which I was like What the fuck!

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