Epilogue Dream

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My dream after that long night was wonderful. I was finally free from the dark void, and was now in a bright, colorful landscape with Susan. We ran around and played, laughing non-stop. Finally, I had a good dream.

I spent that day relaxing with Mr. Forrest. Mrs. Forrest was with Susan at the hospital. Us two guys were left to watch TV. We both made it a point to not bring up all the crazy things last night, and just enjoy ourselves. We watched some comedy shows, ate snacks, played a few games, things like that. We talked about how we like snow, talked about my grades, it was peaceful. It was really starting to feel like he was a father to me. The father I always wanted. I used to complain about him a lot, but now we're laughing together.

And Mrs. Forrest is so caring and emotional, that she's like a mother to me. She always listens to me, trusts me, and does everything she can to make me happy. This family is truly wonderful. I'm so grateful that I get to stay with them. My brother apparently is staying at the house, as it had already been fully paid for and he is of age. I hope I can see him again some time. Start over. Act like normal brothers this time.

Around 6:30pm, Mrs. Forrest called telling us that Susan was coming back right now. The bullet went straight through her shoulder, so the surgeons didn't have to go through the trouble of removing it. We decided to celebrate. We had a great time, watched a movie, it was so much fun.

It was now time for bed, Susan and I got in bed together and got to talk alone.

"So, your shoulder doesn't hurt anymore?"

"It's fine. How's your hand?"

"It's recovering well. The bandages should be off in a week or two, I think."

"I'm sorry it'll take so long. Did you sleep well last night?"

"Yeah, you?"

"I did, yes. Did you have a dream?"

"I did, it was about us two playing around in a field."

"That sounds nice."

I stared at her for a bit, in thought. "Susan, you mind if I tell you how I feel about you?"

"No, go ahead."

"Susan, you are like an angel to me. You always brightened my day, and at this point you've brightened my whole life. I wouldn't be where I am if it weren't for you. My parents would still be free to do whatever they want. But because you cared so much, you saved me from them. You took me in, and showed me what it meant to be happy. I was an ungrateful jerk for a while, but now I can't thank you enough. You're so cute, and you have a wonderful smile. It's because of these things that I. That I. I. I..."


"I. Love you. I love you, Susan. I love you, I love you, I love you."

She smiled, with tears pouring down her face. Tears of joy, no doubt. "I'm so happy," she said, "because I love you too." Hearing those words was so powerful. It filled me with such joy. Never had anyone told me they loved me. And I never told anyone I loved them. It feels so amazing to know that she loves me as much as I love her.

"Can you say it again?" I asked.

"I love you."


"I love you."

"I love you."

"I love you."

I kissed her this time. "I love you"

She held onto me as we shut our eyes for a good night's sleep.

"Edward?" she said.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Last night, I had a dream. It was about you."

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