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" Suffocate me

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" Suffocate me... so my tears can be rain, I will water the ground where I stand, so the flowers can grow back again..." ~ Aurora - The Seed

Dear P,

     Hey, I hope you're doing great. I just want to rant about something, about the world to be specific. I have no idea who to talk to because people around me here are just selfish jerks who love hurting the world. I'm tired of people causing pollution. Recently, I went for a dive at the sea near my house and guess what? The corals are as well as dead! The fishes are all looking like their tiny hearts would stop beating any second and that's all because of the crap and stuff floating about in the ocean. Anyway, I decided to clean the beach yesterday with my two bffs who luckily are nature lovers like me. There were so many rubbish that we weren't able to pick up because it was just... too much! I was so sad that I teared up right then and there, you can laugh. The world gives us everything we need but we give it nothing except disappointment. Animals were killed for no reason like those poor sharks people kill only for their fins. We are supposed to protect Mother Nature! Sometimes I think like the people deserve to be eaten by sharks or any other animals, I don't care what you're gonna think. I don't blame the animals at all. We don't deserve the world. I wish I could stop all these... misery, P. But I'm just a teeny tiny dot in this HUGE WIDE world. It saddens me to see that nobody care about this world. Can't you realize we are turning our home into a nightmare? I mean, this can't go on... we gotta do something. I probably should stop now before I couldn't stop myself from blabbering on. I'm sorry if I'm taking your time (if you're reading this, that is) but one thing for sure is talking to you really feels good. I'm glad I found the post that someone posted about you on Instagram that day. This really helps. Thanks, P. Hope to send to you again!

   Nikita from Hawaii

Petra bit her lower lip after reading the message. This Nikita girl really opened up her eyes actually about the burden humans are giving to Mother Nature.

The rubbish scattering the beaches she went to, the garbage littering the streets she walked by.

Then she remembered the empty water bottle that she had just chucked away while walking home from the public library that morning and she groaned, suddenly feeling guilty about what she had done... her own pain and misery suddenly forgotten while she felt the pain humans had caused to the world.

Nikita was right, all of these should stop.

She huffed a breath, silently apologizing to Mother Nature for throwing that water bottle carelessly and typed a reply.

Dear Nikita,

     You're right! I can't agree more with you. I am thankful you decided to send me a message about this... I have also been blinded by my own selfishness that I didn't realized what we are all doing to our planet. I'm feeling very guilty and sorry at the moment... this is also a very different kind of message, I hardly get messages or emails like yours but it's good to have a difference for once. I don't really know what you should do on this topic, I'm sorry. I am not really a nature lover because I have a whole lot of other things to worry about but your message really got me thinking, who are we without this world? I realized now how we're destroying our home. Maybe, as a suggestion, you can start a campaign or a community where people get to do activities like #SaveTheWorld or something? Make sure you also spread awareness on your social medias, I'm going to do it later as well. Build a group of nature lovers so you can keep your places clean from rubbish. Start small, you'll never know where you'll go... there are actually many people who also love nature but they don't have a clue how to tell people to start taking care of the world. If you see somebody littering or something, just told them to pick the rubbish back up. Don't be afraid, everyone has a right to voice out. Alright, it is getting late here where I live... I hope to hear from you soon, Nikita. Good luck!


She glanced at the clock to find that it's already one in the morning and yawning, she shut her laptop and turned off the lights before going to sleep... thinking about what she should post on her social medias tomorrow to spread the awareness.

Thinking about how the world was in pain made her felt a lot better, at least there were something suffering far much bigger worse than her sufferings... and she would try her best to take care of Earth starting from that day.


Hi, and welcome to iMotivate.com, a place where I'm here to support and help as much as I can for anyone who needs someone to listen to. I'll give you life advice, encouragements and also might be a friend to all of you. No matter what age, race, or religion you are, and where you are from, I will still be here for you. You can call me P and if you need any help, you can message me through this website, just click on the "send a message" button or you can email me at imotivatesupport@gmail.com. Don't be shy to send a message, I won't mind at all (unless it's inappropriate, that's unacceptable and will be blocked or deleted) but if you even want to drop a 'hi', go ahead!

 Don't be shy to send a message, I won't mind at all (unless it's inappropriate, that's unacceptable and will be blocked or deleted) but if you even want to drop a 'hi', go ahead!

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This specific chapter is actually inspired by a video I watched on YouTube "50 Minutes to Save The World". It's about how the seas are dying and sea creatures' lives are at risk... we should all do something to save our oceans and aquatic friends because they need our help... help me spread this awareness by talking about the topic of the world's condition on your social medias or any of your books... tag me if you like. Also, don't forget to share this video (down below) so people can see what is really happening, the creator(s) of the video really deserves the credits so go ahead, even what you're doing may be small, you don't know that it actually means a lot to Mother Nature. SO START SAVING THE WORLD!

- Aura

50 Minutes To Save The World by Amir Zakeri

(Can be found on YouTube)

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