m i s s i n g

78 3 0

channie 💕

yahhh!! i heard from felix,
that you guys went for a
sent 4:35pm

yup why?
seen 4:36pm

sent 4:38pm

yup, I'm fine!
why would I not be?
seen 3:39pm

yUp, I'm FiNe!
sent 3:41pm

tell me the truth baby )):
im literally frantic rn 😱😰
sent 3:42pm

answer the my
damn messages!!
sent 4:00pm


yongbok ✊🏻

sent 4:03pm

have you seen jeongin??
sent 4:04pm

bisshhh i know you're on!!
seen 4:05pm

eyow fellow aussie!
seen 4:05pm

yep he's literally sleeping rn
sent 4:06pm

kk im comin
seen 4:07pm

don't wake him up tho
i wanna surprise him 😉
seen 4:08pm

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