Yesterday I had a good thanksgiving dinner at my Nan's house it was fun and I got to see my family.
Today I went to school I had a good day I had my favourite class first it was social studies. I then went to science and then math. In math the best thing ever happened I got moved closer to one of my best friends I got moved in front of her . Then I had lunch well I didn't eat much just a couple gold fish ( I didn't like what I had it was pizza with like every thing but pepperoni and bacon and all I like is pepperoni and bacon pizza) so I didn't eat much. (My dad left yesterday and went to corner brook but he's the one that makes good lunches) after lunch I had French , I love French , I'm really good at French too. After French I had math again and I got moved again I got moved Behind the friend that I got put I front of. Oh and I finished my homework in class so I got no home work.
My mom said that later after we have super she is going to bring me to second cup and I shall get a frozen hot chocolate and tomorrow we are going to Starbucks after my little brothers basket ball and my cadets. I can't wait also my dad comes home tomorrow.
I'll update what I did tonight and the nights from now on on the beginning of the next days post.