Percy vs. Leo

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Plaintiff: Leo        Defendant: Percy

Guy who stands next to judge: "Your honor, Leo Valdez."

Judge: "Leo Valdez, you are suing Percy Jackson because he stole your special magical shoe?"

Leo: "That's right your honor! I'm suing for twenty five billion dollars!!!!"

Judge: "The most you can go is five thousand,"

Leo: "Then five thousand your honor!!!!!!"

Guy who stands next to judge: "Your honor, Percy Jackson."

Judge: "Percy Jackson, you are convicted of stealing Leo's special magical shoe."

Percy: "Dude, it's just a freaking shoe!!!"

Leo: "Is not!!!"

Percy: "Is too!!!!"

Leo: "IS NOT!!!"

Percy: "IS TOO!!!!"

Leo: "IS NOT!!!!"


*Jury nods applying that they are twits, and lots of other things to*

*Leo and Percy point at each other*

Both: "He started it!!!"

*Judge does a face palm*

Judge: "Leo, just tell your story."

Leo: "HAHAHA did you hear that?! I get to go fi-irst!!!"

*Leo sticks tongue out at percy*

Judge: "Ok, just for that, Percy your first share your side of the story."

*Percy sticks tongue out at Leo*

Percy: "Ok, I remember it like it was just yesterday..."

Leo: "Idiot! It WAS yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!"

Percy: "Oh yeah... anyway.. I was walking down the street, looking for a new pair of shoes. So I kept walking and I came across Leo's house. And then I saw it. The most beatiful amazing thing ever. A shoe. Not just any shoe though. It had a pink fluffy unicorn and sparkles on it, super magical. So I decided to borrow it. I slipped one of my shoe's off and put it on. I then decided to take a little walk with the shoe."

Judge: "So you admit to stealing the shoe?"

Percy: "You didn't let me finish! Now I have to start all over again......."

Judge: "NO!! Please, no. You were at the part where you decided to take the shoe for a walk."

Percy: "I feel like starting over. So anyway....... I was walking down the street, looking for a new pair of shoes. So I kept walking and I came across Leo's house. And then I saw it. The most beatiful amazing thing ever. A shoe. Not just any shoe though. It had a pink fluffy unicorn and sparkles on it, super magical. So I decided to borrow it. I slipped one of my shoe's off and put it on. I then decided to take a little walk with the shoe. So there I was again, walking down the street wearing the shoe. Then that's when it happened. The most amazing thing ever. I found a penny. And I then thought to myself, OH MY GODS!!!! A PENNY!!! I FOUND A PENNY!!!!!!!!!! A REAL LIVE SIDEWALK PENNY!!!! Who just finds sidewalk pennies now adays? No one!!!!!!!! Until now. The great Percy Jackson has found a penny! Wait...... no one ever finds sidewalk pennies..... that must mean..... the shoe is magical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course!!!! Why hadn't I thought of it?! It's magical! No wonder why i found this penny!!! Well maybe I should try it on a scratch ticket. So as my concience said, I went to go get a scratch ticket. And it happened again. I won two dollars. TWO DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!! Who just gets two dollars from a scratch ticket? No one. Until now!!! Two dollars and a penny all in one day? This was truly the most amazing day ever! But then it dawned on me. This shoe was Leo's. I was sad to give it up, but I had to do the right thing and return it. I walked back to Leo's house and slipped the shoe off and put on my other one. I was about to put it right back on the steps when the door flung open and there stood Leo. He then yelled at me, "THAT'S MY SHOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW DARE TAKE MY SHOE???????!!!!!!!!!!!! I replied, "Leo! That doesn't matter now!!!! The shoe is back, so here you go no need to get mad!!!" Leo then took the shoe and examined it like a dog sniffing for a scent. "HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU MADE A MARK ON MY SHOE!!!!!!!! A MARK!!!! YOU HEAR ME A MARK!!!!" Leo then strated hitting me with the shoe. And don't get me wrong it hurt. So I hurried away, wanting to get away from him as soon as possible. Only did I know, that night he sued me. And that's why I'm here right now."

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