2) Mrs.Suzys Cafe

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☯️Picture of Marley☯️

Jane's POV
I pull into my designated parking spot the turned the car off, walking into work I see the cutest person I work with who I've had somewhat of a crush on since I began working here, Nate Benson I walk over to my apron and put it on walking behind the counter "Hey Jane." I smile because I already knew who it was "Hey Nate."

"I know it's early in all but..," I look at him grabbing the rag from him as he rubs the back of his neck "Yeah?" He somewhat blushes "Would you like to go out sometime!" Those words made my heart flutter "Yes!" I hug him "Phew, I thought you were gonna no!" I look at him confused why did he think I was going to say no? "It's just a date. Who would wanna say no to you?" I squeeze his cheeks "Because I've been rejected before." I chuckle "And I've never been actually asked out before." He looks at me confused.

"You've never been asked out! I find that hard to believe!" I scoff sipping of the counter "It's true I've never been asked out before!" I walk over to a table and wiped it down "Wow!" I chuckle I hear a groan behind me "What's wrong?" I turn towards Nate "I have to go. I'm so sorry." I nod smiling "It's fine go do what you gotta do!" He chuckles "See you tonight at 7 but bye." I wave him out then continued working.

Yes, I go to school but I work on the weekends because once my dad left us my mom was running low on money and I thought she needed help so I got a job at a nearby cafe they pay well, my mom was also never home because she try's to work all day and all night just to get promoted. I hear the bell to the cafe door ring I look over and seen Jorden and his goonies walking in along with girls attached to their sides I roll my eyes and walked behind the counter "Hey Sydney do you mind serving that table over there." I point at the table Jorden and his friends were sitting at.

"I'm already serving a table, sorry Janey." She shrugs and my cheeks heat up in embarrassment "Your good thanks anyway." I take a deep breath and grabbed a notebook and walked over to the table for my eyes only to meet Jordens eyes I clear my throat to get their attention and they all look up at me "Welcome to Mrs. Suzys cafe what may I get for you today?" I say with no expression or emotion "I'll have a iced coffee, Ryan will have a coke, and Asher will have a mocha!" Jorden says still looking at me I roll my eyes looking at the girl who was sitting on the guys lap.

"All the girls will have a iced coffee and a bagel." The red head said.

"Your order will be done soon." I send a fake smile their way making the red head look back at me in disgust.

I roll my eyes turning around and waking back behind the counter "Wow! Would you like some help with any of this stuff?" Sydney said chuckling looking at the receipt "You would do that." I fake a whine which made her laugh "Of course I mean a person only has two arms not eight." I laugh and started to make what they all wanted. Once I was done Sydney had already took two of the drinks out I take about four out to the table "Excuse me? Why is it taking so long?" The red head said to me "Because only two people are working today." I fake a smile before walking back to the counter grabbing the rest of the drinks.

I set them down wiping my fore head right after, "Finally." The blonde haired boy said I just roll my eyes and looked at my watch I had on 15 more minutes to work off then I get payed my pay check for the weekend which I usually get payed five hundred a weekend but it depends how long I work. I walked over to the un cleaned tables and wiped them down "15 more minutes bummer." I hear someone say next to me and I kind of knew who it was by the way his voice was deep "How'd you know that?" The sun has started to go down and where the cafe is you have a perfect view of the beach and the ocean. I mentally sigh.

"I heard you say you had 15 more minutes left." He shrugs "Why are you talking to me when you should be with your friends." I look over at them and saw that they were throwing their straws on the ground, I groan "I already have to sweep!" I point at his friends groaning louder Jorden looks over at them "Yo, Asher chill and pick them up now!" He yells across the cafe to their table. They look at him and chuckled "I'm sorry we are about to go to a party. Wanna join?" I nod "No I had a long day and I have to leave in about..," I looked at my clock "10 minutes. So maybe next time." I shrug walking behind the counter "You need to let loose and go to the damn party with me!" He says chuckling from behind me "So?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me I narrow my eyes at him "I said maybe next time." He rolls his eyes "Ok Mitchell." He smirks at me walking away I roll my eyes and took my apron off because I'm leaving in 5 minutes.

I sit down and got my phone out and went on Instagram I scroll through seeing pictures of Jorden and the brown haired girl sitting next to him, I roll my eyes shoving my phone into my pocket getting up grabbing the sweeper from next to me I started it and sweep everything. Once I was finished I wiped my forehead from the sweat that was on it I got my purse and keys then walked out of the cafe with Jordens group following me "Have a nice night guys." I hear many laughs when I said that I cough then locked up the place.

I walked over to my car unlocking it. I get into the car sighing tomorrow I start school once again, I drive home wanting deep to take over me but I knew it couldn't have sleep take over me. I make it to my street then pulled into my driveway: I got out seeing a car that wasn't my moms in the driveway, I started to panicked so I ran inside "Mom!" I yell looking around seeing a dark figure coming down the hallway "Who are you?" The dark figure had broad shoulders so I knew it wasn't my mom he stops right in front of me and I could finally see who it was and it was my father I fall back a bit "You need to leave!" I point towards the front door but I was still making eye contact with him "Your mother told me to come over." I scoff "Your telling me-," I see my mom coming out of her room and down the hall "You! Why did you do this mom?" I continue tears brimming my eyes.

"I'm sorry Janey." She looks at me I can tell she wanted to cry anger grew inside of me I storm upstairs "Jane Lucíana Mitchell!" I hear my dad yell out to me but I go into my room slamming my door behind me I flop into my bed letting the tears fall I sob.

I get up walking over to my dresser getting shorts and a tank top I change into them and turned off my lamp laying down in my bed I soon let sleep take over me.

-Authors note-
Sorry it took so long just for me to finish chapter 2 I've been super busy and I just haven't had time but here you guys go.

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Till next time my lovely's -Brooke🦄❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2020 ⏰

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