Chapter 1

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Hey there! Welcome to my first fanfiction I'm not sure if you can tell but I'm terrible when it comes to titles so we're gonna keep it simple kay? Hope you enjoy this crap that calls itself a fanfiction! Now to the story!
                                                                                                                Yours truly,
                                                                                                             The author :)

POV Bakugou
I found myself staring at him again... Deku ... I couldn't get him out of my head. I don't know why but I don't get the same hateful thoughts I should be getting when I think of him, now the thought of that smile made my heart flutter and those green locks of hair looked soft to the touch. Then his eyes.....his eyes that looked as if they were emeralds that anyone could get lost in. Then the thought of someone else getting to keep that cinnamon roll all to them self's made my blood boil. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't look away- OH SHIT HE CAUGHT ME STARING SHIT SHIT SHIT FUUUUUUUUUUUCK...
Great job Katsuki you just made yourself look like a fucking weirdo for staring at the one person you don't want to get caught by damn it... I should probably ask Shitty hair about this weird feeling I been having lately... yeah... maybe I should ask.....

Time skip ~~~~~~~~(still Bakugou's POV)

"Oh! Hey, Bakubro what brings you here?" I can't believe I'm doing this... "yeah yeah Shitty hair, I got a question and I trust you the most with this so you better not tell anything to Dunce face or Raccoon eyes either, got it?!" "First of all my hair isn't that different from yours, second I'm honored to know that you trust me the most, so how about you come in and I'll answer that question of yours"... whelp here I go I walk in and I sit on his bed and I look at the ground. He sits at the chair by his desk "so about that question..." I look up and sigh then I start to explain my apparent feelings towards the greenette. A while later after I had finished explaining Kirishima starts laughing "HAH!?!? WHAT YOU LAUGHING AT SHITTY HAIR!?!?!?" He takes a while to catch his breath then replies "bro... your crushing on Midoriya!" My face flushes a bright red "I-I-I" "You-you-you?" He says mockingly I tried to give him my best angry face but I couldn't I guess I was too flustered and this bitch was taking advantage of that. I storm out of the dorm red face and all. Kirishima tried to stop me but I had already left. I enter my dorm, slam the door shut, and lock it. I end up sitting on the floor and think about what Kirishima had just said then I hear a knock on the door "hello? Kacchan you in there?" Shit...

POV Midoriya
This day like every other day was normal only one thing that had caught me off guard... I caught Kacchan staring at me when I saw him he immediately turned away but... I couldn't stop thinking of him. I know, I know weird that I fell for my childhood friend and bully but it couldn't be helped... All I know is that I have been crushing on Kacchan for as long as I can remember. I was flustered at the moment and I did the only thing I could think of... tell my best friend Uraraka... I knocked on her dorm door and she opened it and gave me a smile "hey Deku third time this week what brings you here?" My face flushed a light shade of pink from the embarrassment "w-well it's about K-Kacchan" I managed to get out she laughed and invited me inside I told her about how I had caught him staring at me. She started to fangirl after a while and telling me it's an indication he likes me, although this wasn't the first time we had found evidence to support the claim that Kacchan likes me I keep on saying she's crazy. After a while we heard a door slam we went outside to see what it was and we saw Kirishima outside. "Hey Kiri, what happened?" Kiri explained what happened (never said about Bakugou's little crush) and we went to go see if he was ok. I knock and ask"Hello? Kacchan you in there". We hear the door unlock and in-front of us we catch a rare sight of a flustered Bakugou, I asked if he was ok but then I got yelled at a lot instead. I sighed as I said goodnight to Uraraka and Kiri as we all went to our dorms I wondered why Kacchan was so red? I decided to forget about as I let sleep take me.

POV Uraraka
As Deku walked away I pulled Kiri aside and ask him a very important question not only for me but for Deku-Kun too "hey Kiri do you know if Bakugou likes Deku?" He looks around to see if anyone was spying on us he and sighs "to tell you the truth he has it bad for the little cinnamon roll heck he can't stop thinking about him!" I can feel a smile creep onto my face "that's fantastic! Well for Deku, he's been crushing on him for a while now!" Then it hit me "ya know we could help them get together since Bakugou's too scared to get his cinnamon roll and Deku's too scared to even admit liking Bakugou!" He thought about it for a moment then he smirked and said: "That's a perfect idea Uraraka!" And we named our mission the love project... Of course, this mission might be a bit too big for the two of us to handle so we decided to invite a few people of our choosing Kiri chose Mina and Denki although Bakugou told him strictly not to say a word to them. I chose Tsu and Todoroki, I had a feeling that Todoroki might come in hand when trying to get this ship to sail...

Oof that took a while to write due to my lack of creativity 🙂. Don't worry I'll try my best to post often also I have no schedule for posting so this should be interesting with school starting soon anyway... I will try my best to please with these stories, bai!

Word count: 1070

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