Chapter 2

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The time mike came to pike me up I was all ready and waiting my mum said I might as well stayed in bed for another hour or so, but if I did I wouldn't have had a bath or sort my hire, make-up etc. And after that I sat on the lorn waiting for mike, I was reading a book called the one?, about a this girl called pip -a wired name I know- how went in a horror house with her friends and later it all happened to them.

Now I know why people pay a fiver to get in there it seems so real but it isn't, it's me just being silly and at my age you would think I would get all that by now.

"Pip that was so cool and scary"

" Yeah, cool"

" You not scared are you"

" No, but you have to admit that the room with the blood and stuff was yucky"

" Yeah it was"

But the truth was that I nearly peed my self in there, like big time.Im never going in there again not even if I was payed one million quid. Not a change.

"Maggie mikes here" mum shouted, just when I was getting to the good bit of my book as well, all well time for school, a place that's new to me, that's big, scary and big not a very good combination if you ask me but hear I am going to this big scary unknown places called MY NEW SCHOOL, "some one kill me now" I mumbled under my breath. "Hi mike you okay" I said trying not to be annoyed how late he was.

"Yeah thanks, are you"

No, actually I'm not all right and if you want to know why it's because your late or am I early one or the other but still, you made me think I was too get up at god nows what time for you to pick me up and here at 7:55 saying hay, but I couldn't say that so instead I said "Me I'm always cool" what was I thinking cool, that's what boys say.

"Ha good to know mags, come on let's go"

So we arrived at my new school on time weird enuf and for some reason everyone knew me, like me the new kid or shell I say the seventeen year old how is, the mister popular at my other school, maybe I mite like it here after all or maybe not. Me and mike were walking threw the canteen when three strangers came to say hello?

"Hi I'm tony, thats T-O-N-Y short for Tanya" well I've found the school popular, bossy, big headed, big moth, nice hire, back up girls at her side, big headed wait did I already say that well I think you get my point.

"Hi" I said, well what was I meant to say. "I'm maggie"

"Yeah I know what you are"

"Hey, what did you just call her" mike said pointing a finger at tony, wow I didn't know mike would back me up like that.

"I don't know what your talking about, and any way mike do you really believe that she lives in that big house down ocean lane"

Oh so that's what this is about, me living in a so could haunted house. Well if this is what's going to happen every time i meet someone I mite as well have a sine saying "I LIVE IN A HAUNTED HOUSE" on my head but know that won't do I'll have to get a pen and right it on, then maybe she -tony- will shut up and from the looks of it I guess she never does.

"Look, I don't have time for this, leave me and maggie alone" mike said "come on mag let's leave before smarty bum explodes" he turned round smiled at me and then we just went but before we did I said sorry to tony and I'm shore I heard her say some think not very nice but to be honest I didn't really care.

"So, what do you have next" said mike.

" I've got art then French"

" Well, that's not that bad but I'm not in any off those classes but I do have some mates that are, do you want me to tell them?"

" Um..."

" Its ok they don't bite mags I'll tell them too play nice" he looked down at me for a sec then smiled I hadn't even relised how blue his eyes were till then; he had dark brown hair, short with a fringe - a modern look- that went over his right eye and he was wearing a white T-shirt with black jeans and trainers on, very cool.

"So who are your friends" I said walking too my next class, what seemed like miles away from where I was.

"Well in your art class there is Sam, Harry, Jasper, Alice and Eve but every body calls her E for short and then there's two others mates in my class Richard but we call him richy and then there's Cole.

"So any tips so I don't get on the wrong side of any of them" I did mean it as a joke but mike didn't, well about one that is.

"If you want my opinion stay away from Eve she can be grouchy sometimes and has a reputation to take it out on new people but were mates so she should now to leave you alone, well this is your next class" he said opening the door for me and then waved at a bunch of people siting together "that's them, jasper out of all of us he's the nicest he'll look after you, well see you later" then he just left me all alone, great.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2012 ⏰

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