bad boy

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          MITSUKI LOWERED HER HEAD in apology for not properly introducing herself, getting caught up in your relationship status. "I'm Katsuki's mom, Mitsuki Bakugou. I'm just so happy, I thought this day would never come-", Like clockwork, Katsuki interrupted his mom only to relay a string of curses.

"FUCK DOES THAT MEAN OLD HA-" You stopped him from finishing his derogatory comment. "Katsuki. This is your mom, I guess you really are like this to everyone." You feigned a distressed sigh, placing your palm on your chin.

"Oh gosh! She's a keeper, Katsuki! [Name], it would be my pleasure if you could stay for dinner." Mitsuki squealed with delight. You looked between Katsuki and his mother and they truly were related.

"Why not? I already texted my dad. He doesn't mind if I sleepover even." You prodded at Katsuki, sneakily searching for his reaction but to no avail. He remained silent with only his hardened glare.

"Oh that's wonderful! You can do that then! This little shit is going to have to give up his bed tonight." Snapping his head towards her, eyes blazing as ever his of course had to respond to his mother's blatant insult. He is a Bakugou, that's what Bakugous do.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY, RAT FACED-" A sound of a palm connecting harshly with the side of a skull resonated throughout the household. Mitsuki had whacked Katsuki. You smiled at the pair, feeling just a tinge of sadness you turned away, preparing to ascend the stairs.

"His room's to the right!" Mitsuki called over a yelling Katsuki. You thanked her and walked yourself and your school bag up the stairs.

Pushing the door open, you expected to see black and edgy things lots of it. But, you knew him better than that. His room smelled of sweet nitroglycerin and ashes. A sort of pleasant smell. It was clean for the most part, save for a few clothes scattered here and there. All Might figurines, posters, a skull wall sticker. Nothing you couldn't stomach.

There was one thing that surprised you though. It was a succulent. A little cactus planted on his nightstand. Prickly and aesthetically pleasing, like him.

You plopped on his bed, just taking it in. You could really get used to this. To him. Jeez was it really normal to think about someone this much? Only if you love them, you blushed harshly, laughing to yourself. It was like a classic trope, a giggly, bashful, madly in love teenage girl. But you couldn't help it.

Ten minutes passed before the door slammed open revealing a neutral/angry Katsuki. He threw articles of clothing at you, freshly washed. You caught them successfully, looking up at him with a goofy smile.

"Fuck are you looking at?" He snapped. You only smiled back at him, "Nothing. I'm gonna shower."  He grinned just a little seeing your rosy cheeks heat up. Your skin was glowing and you were smiling cheek to cheek for literally no reason.

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