Chapter: 6

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Steve walked through the dark halls. There were lots of iron doors, he just couldn't choose which one to go through. He heard a screech and turned around just in time to dodge a spider that jumped at him. He pulled out his diamond sword and swung at it. The stroke hit home and the spider fell on the ground. With one final stab the spider disappered in a puff of smoke. Steve sighed with relief then looked around for a anything else. A creeper came out of the darkness and started hissing at him. He jumped backwards and avoided the blast. The Adventurer chuckled slightly and stood back up, showing his diamond sword. "Anybody else?" He asked. He turned to one of the doors and pushed the button. He walked inside of a dark room as the door closed behind him. He noticed it was a small room with nothing in it, so he turned around to get out of the room. There was only one problem: there was no button on this side of the door. He knew he had to break down the door, which would take a while. He just hoped Herobrine was alright.

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