Chapter One (Aaliyah)

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Chapter One


"Aaliyah what's taking so long. Abigail is here?" My mother, Jennifer, yelled from downstairs. She got on my last nerve sometimes, I swear.
I continued to straighten my hair making sure not a single hair was out of place.
I wanted to look sexy tonight, cause all the dudes were going to be at the block party.
"Aaliyah hurry up god damn it you have this girl down here waiting for you." My mother had yelled back upstairs to me.
"Ok, I'm coming right now." I hollered jumping out my chair. I unplugged my flatirons, grabbed my jacket, and turned off my room light.
"Hey boo." I hugged my best friend Abigail when I hit the bottom of the stairs. I was a slim tall chick with skin the color of milk chocolate. With black hair that hung loose around my shoulders framing my heart-shaped face. I was bad. Always had been. The black true religion back lace dress hung onto every subtle curve of my body, amplifying my model-like frame. The white ankle strapless shoes finished off my look, making me look like a true snack out here in these streets.
We bounded toward the door ready to get our party on when my mother decided to add her two cents.
"So, where you two think y'all heading tonight looking all dressed up like y'all don't have school in the a.m."
"Oh, just to this little block party on Fordham Rd in the Bronx."
She raised her eyebrows, "Oh hell no y'all not going nowhere at this hour,y'all got school in the morning." She snapped with her arms folded.
"I don't care if I have school in the morning. I'm still going to go to this block party," I replied not caring if I was disrespectful to her or not. I walked out of the house, not knowing what the consequences would be when I got back home. As soon as we got in the car, Abigail started firing off questions.
"So, bitch, you think your boo going to be there tonight?" She started the car with an evil smile on her face.
"Who my boo?" I asked with a serious face.
I turned my head so fast after I was done looking at myself in the mirror of the car. Damn I look bad.
"Bitch don't do that you know exactly who I'm talking about." She dragged out dramatically.
"Cameron is not my boo," I stated, knowing who she was talking about. I had the biggest smile on my face when I thought of him.
"Stop lying. You know damn well you want to have his little ugly ass kids."
"First of all, he not ugly, hoe." I rolled my eyes.
"If that's not your boo why are you sticking up for him?" she wanted to know.
"I'm not sticking up for him, I'm just saying he not ugly." I replied somewhat confidently.
We finally reached the block party. It was so packed that we had to walk on the sidewalk to find our friend that invited us.
"Girl I just want to find Bianca ass already like." I looked around searching.
"Deadass. She got us out here looking stupid," Abigail responded back.
While we were walking, one of the males that was drinking started to flirt with us.
"Aye, Red. Come here for a second," Some drunk guy yelled as we were walking around looking for Bianca ass. We waved him off, ignoring his constant calling. "Well fine then. With y'all ugly asses. Don't nobody want y'all stank asses anyway. What's up, lil ma? Damn, you thick." he turned his attention toward another girl walking by, grabbing her ass. Before she could fully turn around and give him a piece of her mind some guy seemingly came out of nowhere knocking him flat on his ass.
"Damn. Did you see that?" Abigail laughed, as the young guy went to work on the drunk guy.
"Ah shit! See what y'all done? All y'all had to do was give my boy ya number. Got him out here looking bad," he laughed along with the rest of his friends who decided to join in on the ragging. Abigail and I felt so uncomfortable that we wanted to just leave due to the commotion and plus people was trying to holla at us.
When Abigail saw her brother Jeremiah and his best friend Cameron walking. She immediately told me to turn my head to see who she was talking about. When I turn my head I saw that it was Cameron. My stomach started to have butterflies. Abigail knows I have the biggest crush on cameron since he has been coming to her house to chill with her brother while she had me are there in her room all the time.
We heard our song "Get Money" by notorious B.I.G. which lightened the mood after the fight. We started dancing and singing along with the song until Cameron came walking over all happy.
"So, can I get a dance?" He whispered in my ear standing directly behind me.
"Did you just ask me for a dance? Won't your girlfriend gets mad at you?" I giggled a little bit.
"My girl? Haha, you crazy, you think if I had a girl, I would talk to you?" he asked with an arched eyebrow.
"I'm not crazy, I'm serious and you probably would have still tried to talk to me while you were with her." I replied back to him in the same tone.
"I don't have a girl, that's the crazy part. Now if you want to be my girl that's a different story," he stated with a little smile on his face. He licked his lips while rubbing his hands together.
"Me be your girlfriend you gotta be kidding me." I nervously laughed.
"Yes, who else would I be talking to?" he asked with a goofy smirk on his face. I became quiet before speaking.
. "Casper the friendly ghost." I laughed.
"You think I'm joking when I'm really not." He replied.
"I will have to get back to you with that question okay?"
I was so shocked by what he just said. I didn't know he was so bold with it. I instantly felt a sense of relief because of the sound of his voice. By then, it was almost three in the morning, and the block Party was almost over, until shots had rung out and a female yelled "He shot him for no reason!!" We looked at each other then started running somewhere safe, so we wouldn't have to be a part of the situation when the police came. While we was finding somewhere safe, Cameron came out of nowhere and said, "Come with me imma take y'all home." We knew him, so we trusted him to do that. Not like some of these other fellas out there.
While we were walking with Cameron, we heard more gunshots and saw people running so fast. We started running again too and made it to a dark alley. One that was too dark to see anything. We had to use our cellphones flashlights to see.
While we were walking through the alley, Abigail whispered, "The way Cameron was staring at you, he looked like he wanted to get in between your legs." She smirked.
"Bitch stop playing with me because I don't even know him like that, and I'll be damned if I let a dusty ass nigga get in between my legs."
"Oh god, girl, you know damn well you want that nigga to dig in your guts." She laughed so hard that tears came running down her face.
"Bitch for real stop playing with me because I'm not like you. Now I want to get home to take a shower and have a couple of hours of sleep before going to school."
"Whatever don't say I didn't warn you." She replied with her hand on her hips.
Moments later, we got to Abigail's house. It had taken an hour, but Cameron kept his promise and brought her home.
"Thank you, Cameron for saving us." Abigail stated with a big smile on her face looking at me and being overly dramatic..
"No problem baby girl, I'm just glad that you and your friend are okay. Tell your brother I get with him tomorrow." He replied. Abigail waved us off, shutting the door behind her.
Walking off the porch Cameron instantly started to ask me questions. I was kind of nervous because this was my first time ever begin alone with him.
"So, what made you come to the block party?" He asked.
"My friend Bianca had invited us out and I said why not. What about you?"
"It was my sister and I's block party."
"Sister?" I asked him in surprise.
He nodded. "Yeah, my sister, Bianca."
"Your sister is Bianca. Why I'm just now hearing this?"
He shrugged. "I guess y'all not really friends like that."
"Shut up that is my friend. She just doesn't claim you."
"Man, anyway so wassup with you?" He glanced over towards me licking his lips.
"Why you had to change the subject like that?" I laughed "You mad?"
"Me mad fuck out of here, I'm never mad. But are you going to just ignore my question though?"
"Nothing just doing me and going to school." I shrugged, nonchalantly.
"That's good, you're staying out of trouble and got your head on straight. I got mad respect for you for that."
"Remember when you asked me at the party if I wanted to be your girl?"
"Yeah, why wassup you going to give me an answer right now?"
"Nigga if I just asked you that then yeah." I was trying to be funny with a smart tone in my voice.
"So, what's the answer then?"
I took a moment to think about the question because I didn't want to say something disrespectful.
"No." I giggled a little.
We finally made it to my house and when I tell you that I had butterflies in my stomach. It made me want to throw up I was so nervous.
"Goodnight Cameron. Thank you for walking me home. Let me hurry up before my mama say something."
"Good night baby girl, when imma see you, again?" He asked.
"Imma be honest with you I don't even know." I replied with a serious face.
"Well pass me your phone so I can give you, my number and whenever you have time just call me." He stated.
"Alright, pass me your phone so you can also have my number." I told him with a smile on my face.
After we exchanged numbers, I went to put my key in the door, jamming it repeatedly. I must have been losing my mind.
"You good?" Cameron asked, peering over my shoulder.
"Yeah. I must have bent it or something." I tried the key again before the front door jerked open and I was faced with yet another problem tonight.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't little miss hot in the ass. What you doing here, Miss hot in the ass?"
I rolled my eyes, attempting to pass her as she blocked my path.
"What I tell you before your fast ass walked out that damn door?"

"Mama, come on. It's late. I got to go to school in the morning."
"Oh so now you worried about school? Who is this?" she asked, motioning toward Cameron.
"Nobody. He walked me home. Can you please move?" I attempted again before her large hand shoved me back.
"You see, you think you grown. All that little disrespect flying out of your mouth and you think you coming back up in my house. I don't think so. I have rules and since you can't seem to follow them you can get the fuck out."
"What?" my head jerked back as she placed her hands on her hips, her robe opening and briefly exposing her sagging breasts.
"You heard me. You gotta go. I'm kicking you out."
After my mother said that out her mouth I pulled my phone out my back pocket and called my bestie to let her know what was up.
'Abigail, I need you right now," I instantly cried over the phone.
"Calm down what's going on? Tell me." Abigail yelled in the phone.
"My mother just kicked me out. I don't have nowhere else to go. So, can I come over to your place only for tonight? I will be out of the house in the morning. Also, Cameron still with me and he saw everything my mother did." I tried to whisper into the phone feeling embarrassed.
"Damn girl, your mother couldn't wait until you got inside the house to say that to you? She had to say it while you were with Cameron. But, yeah come on over. You'll have to leave early in the morning because my parents would be pissed at me because I have people in their house during the night." She replied.
"Thank you!! I got you imma be out in the am that's for sure."
Walking back to Abigail's house with Cameron all I was thinking of was the block party and the shooting that happened. It could have been anyone of us.
I kept calling Abigail back and she wasn't answering. He was on the phone at the same time that I was. I couldn't hear what he was saying. I was so mad at Abigail by now, I couldn't think straight. She probably took her big head ass to bed cause we got school in the am. Cameron saw that and offered to let me stay at his house.
"Yeah, I know I'm friends with your sister, and yeah I'll go to ya'll house. Does she know I'm coming? I asked him.
" I already spoke to her and told her I was coming home with you but let me try calling her again if it makes you feel safer or whatever.." he told me.
"I'm gonna try Abigail one more time since I already spoke to her and told her I was coming but let me try calling her again."
I called Abigail's phone waiting patiently for her to pick up the phone, but she still didn't answer. So, in my mind my only option that was left was to just go with Cameron to his house even though I didn't want to.
"Come on, nigga. I'm tired and got to school in the morning," I huffed.
"You might want to watch how you talk to me? Yo mama ain't the only one that can put yo ass out tonight. So you might want to be nice before you be sharing a cardboard box with one of these bums out here on the street." He tried to make a joke.
"Nigga if you don't shut the fuck up and let's go." I was already on one thousand after what my mama pulled and ain't find shit funny.
"I don't know who you're talking to like that because I will leave your ass standing right here."
"I don't care if you leave me I know how to get to your house."
"Well bye then." He walked off leaving me standing in the dark.
"You dead going to walk off on me in the dark?" I asked him.
"Yes, cause you keep playing, and I don't have time for these little kid games." He replied in a husky tone.
He was right. He was being nice, I was being a bitch. So, I shut my mouth and caught up to him so we could get there and I could get some rest.

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