Cracked out

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Ashton was driving down the road at 87 in a 45. He rested his hand on my upper thigh. I picked it up and set it back on him. He chuckled. "So what's up Ashton?" I ask. He looks confused. "What do you mean?" He asks. "I haven't spoken to you since....well you know. And now your picking me up from my house after I hit your best friend." "Chris isn't my best friend." He says. "That's all your gonna say?" "For now."

We pulled up to a restaurant, it's my favorite one. "You still like this place right?" He asks. "It's my favorite." I smile. "You remembered?" I ask. "Come on Sailor I know it's been a few years but-" "it's been ten." I say cutting him off. "Well I remember we came here for your birthday every year cause you loved it and this is my way of making today up to you."  "Why are you making it up to me?" I ask. "Uh well I guess I instigated it." He says. I roll my eyes. I know he's up to something.

The waiter brought our food while we were taking about random things. "So what about school?" I ask. "What about it?" "Well your going to be a senior." "Well maybe if I pass summer school." He says. I eyes widen. "Your going to summer school?" I ask. "Yeah for some reason I never got my geometry credit so their making me retake it." No no no no no.

"What about you?" He asks. "I- schools alright I guess but I'm taking summer school this summer." I say dry. "What class?" He asks. "Geometry." He coughs and the water he was drinking went everywhere. I wiped some off my face and got out of the booth. I walked into the bathroom and sat down on the bench. "Sailor!" Someone yells threw the door. "Go away Ashton!" I yell back. Ashton walks in the bathroom and looks at me. I stand up and walk up to him.

He stared into my eyes. His beautiful green eyes. Ew no stop. He bit his lip a little and I snapped back into reality. His face was only an inch from mine but I backed away. "I think I should get home." I say quietly. "Ok. I'll drive you come on." "No it's alright I'll take a cab." I say walking outside. Ashton follows me out. "Sailor I can drive you it's on my way." "It's fine." I say signaling a taxi my way. "Thank for dinner." I say with a light smile before getting in the back of the cab. I shit the door and Ashton stared at me. He knocked on the passenger door window and the driver rolled it down. "1739 west avenue." He says handing the driver a 20. "Ashton I can cover it myself." I say. "It's fine." He says and walks off to his car.

What the hell just happened?


I snuck back in the house and saw my tv off and the lights out. I turned the lights back on and saw a note on my bed. "Next time you sneak out don't leave your water on." I look in my bathroom and see a water puddle and the sink full of water. Shit.

I walk out of my room and see rider and grant playing video games in the den next to my room. "Look who's home." Grant says. I roll my eyes at him and start walking downstairs. "I wouldn't go down there." He says. "Why?" I ask. "Because moms the one that realized you snuck out." I sigh and keep going down the stairs.

"Sailor!" My mom snaps at me. I turn to look at her as she storms up to me. "Where the hell where you?!" She yells. "Out." I say and start walking away. She grabs my arm right and swings my back around to look at her. "You didn't ask to go anywhere!" "I know I didn't." I snap back. "I guess I though it wasn't a big deal to leave considering." I say looking her up and down to get my point across. She swings her hand and slaps me across the face. My face heated up and my cheek stung. "Did you just got me!" I scream. "Damn right I did how dare you speak to me like that!"

I slapped her across her face and she looked shocked and then pissed. She grabbed my hair and tried dragging me across the room. I pushed her off of me and stared at her as she got off the ground. She charged at me and we started fighting. Grant and rider cane running downstairs and tried pulling us apart. Grant got my mom and was holding her back as rider did the same to me.

"How dare you speak to me me like this!" She yells at me. "Why would I speak to you with any kind of decency when your a fucking cracked out piece of shit!" I yell back at her. She tried getting away from grant but couldn't. "You know grandma and grandpa would be real proud." I say and get out of riders arms. I walked upstairs to my room and heard her yell at me. "Get the fu k out of my house! Now!" I rolled my eyes and locked myself in my room.

I picked up my phone and dialed a number. "Hey can you come get me?"

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