Natsu Has Always Been There.

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Lucy and Natsu finally made it to school hand in hand. They just shared a long and passionate kiss. Lisanna and Loki were making out over on a picnic table. Erza and Jellal were holding hands kissing by Lisanna and Loki. Ren and Eve were flirting with some cute sophomores. Levy and Gajeel were arguing, but in a flirty kind of way. Wendy ran up to Lucy hand in hand with with Romeo and her new sister by her side with her boyfriend, Happy. His hair was blue same with his eyes. (I made Happy and Charle into humans for just for this! :3)

"Lucy~!" Wendy yells as she ran up to the couple.

"Wendy?" Natsu asks in shock at how dramatically her look changed. Her hair is down and straightened,she's were contacts which reveal her big brown eyes, and she wearing make up.

"Yeah! I can finally fit in the group!" Wendy says.

"Huh? Now what do you mean?" Lucy asks.

"I look like a popular kid now so I fit in." Wendy answers.

"Where's the fun in that?" Gray asks as he walks up hand in hand with Mira. Natsu's mouth drops.

"How? When?" Natsu asks.

"I told her." Gray says smiling.

"Finally." Mira says as she squeezed his hand softly.

"You got that right." Gray says as he kisses her forehead. Lucy looks at her best friend with a devious smile.

"Hehehe.. Kissy kissy kissy!!" Lucy says doing a kissing notion at the new couple, slowly walking up close to them. Natsu hugs Lucy from behind.

"Kissy kissy kissy!!" He says kissing her shoulder, then neck, and finally her cheek. Lucy's cheeks flush red.

"Hey!!" Lucy yells as she tries to punch him, she's joking around. Natsu runs off. Romeo ran after him.

"I'm going to class okay, sis?" Charle says as her and Happy walk away. Everyone left until it was Lucy and Wendy walking together.

"Miss Lucy?" Wendy calls.

"Hm? Was is it Wendy?" Lucy asks.

"How are you and Mister Natsu so close?" Wendy asks.

"Well, Natsu has always been there. Every since I was a child.," she leans down and whispers the last part,"Even when I had short hair, glasses, and pimples." Lucy says. Wendy looks up at her with her eyes widened.

"Really?" Wendy asks.

"If a guys seen you at your worse and he still us by your side, then that's when you know he truly loves you. Same goes for all my dim headed friends. Everyone one of us has seen each other at our worst." Lucy explains.

"Wow." Wendy says.

"So that means, you guys are true friends to each other." Wendy says.

"Me, Mira, Hibiki, and Gray are models." Lucy says.

"Really?! Well, I can see that." Wendy whispers the last part as she watches Lucy.

"Morning Lucy!" A girl shouts.

"You look gorgeous today!" A boy shouts. Lucy smiles softly and waves and says thank yous to everyone. In the time it took Lucy to walk Wendy to her class Lucy got a compliment from literally every one they passed by.

'I want to be just like miss Lucy!!' Wendy thought to herself.

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