Chapter Four: Taelon

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Jayler felt hands on his shoulder shaking him awake the next morning. He opened his eyes slowly to see Tuila standing above him. "Time to get up," she told him simply. "By the way, you can stop hiding that under your pillow."

He rubbed at his eyes before realizing what Tuila was talking about. He could see a piece of his binder peeking out beneath his pillowcase. His face went bright red in embarrassment.

Tuila reached out her hand to take it from him. Jayler hesitantly handed it over as Ocean pulled out her Infinity Box. She dropped it inside before looking his way. "For safekeeping," she explained. "Plus, it doesn't do you much good walking around if you can't breathe."

Jayler was dumbfounded as Tuila put her Infinity Box back in her pocket. "You don't find it weird?" he asked in surprise.

"I've heard thoughts on gender in relation to the body are much more strict on Earth. You don't need to worry around here. It's flexible, and nobody will judge you for it," Tuila assured him. "So long as your companions don't make a fuss, it will be no issue around here."

"It's normal here?" Jayler questioned, suddenly conscious of how silly he probably looked, sitting before a rebellion leader and asking what a foreign galaxy's thoughts on gender were.

"Of course. Nobody minds what isn't their business. Sexuality and exploration of such is regular as well. I'm surprised Earth isn't like that, but then again, humans can be odd sometimes," Tuila said.

"I wish I didn't have to deal with them sometimes," Jayler admitted. "They don't know how to keep their own business to themselves, and instead act like everything that doesn't involve them is their story to tell and meddle with... Hate crimes here aren't common, right?"

"Hate crimes? Gods above, no. Sounds like Earth is terrible!"

Cordell came into view, his hands shoved into his pockets. He looked over to Tuila. "The others are all up and off to eat breakfast. Diamond is talking with Liathine about where we're going next today. They're thinking of going to a village in an icy area currently occupied by the Fearbringers," he explained. "I'll see you in a few."

The Rauleighan walked away, leaving Tuila alone with Jayler once again. The woman reached her arm out to take Jayler's hand. She pulled him to his feet. "Come on. Let's get some food in your stomach before we go out and get ready for the day," Tuila told him.

Tuila walked away, leaving Jayler alone with his thoughts in silence. Was this foreign galaxy really more accepting of people than Earth? For crying out loud, this land had official aliens (spiked ears, wings, magic, the whole shebang), and they still treated each other better than creatures of the same species did back on Earth. Hate crimes didn't happen, another major change from what Jayler was used to. It seemed like every day was the anniversary of another horrific incident to which minorities fell victim.

Perhaps this alternate universe wasn't as bad as he'd thought.

When Jayler arrived at the center table where breakfast was taking place, all five of his other companions were already there, just as Cordell had said. Diamond and Liathine were sitting next to each other, the latter's arm draped lazily over Diamond's shoulders as she ate an apple. The longer Jayler looked at them, the more convinced he was that their relationship, platonic or otherwise, wouldn't be tolerated on Earth. However, here in Hyperion, no one seemed to give them a second glance. At the very least, Cordell and Tuila didn't care.

Jayler was provided with a simple bowl of oatmeal and an apple. A carton of milk sat alongside it. He had never been a huge fan of oatmeal, so he decided to skip out on it and reached for the apple instead. He took a bite out of it, realizing how delicious it was almost on contact. Apples on Earth were great and all, but none of them even came close to this. As hesitant as he was to admit it, he could get used to this. He hoped all food on Daragon was quite this tasty.

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