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It's easy to fall under her hypnotic spell and lose yourself as well – but her love affairs are often unrealistic, and she tends to fall for completely inappropriate people. - Pisces woman♓︎

I've spent about 2 and half-hours re touching makeup Looking for literally anything to fix.

And for why? as dumb as I may sound.

A guy.

All this effort for a guy I've met not that long ago, I promised myself that I was not going to extreme lengths to impress sage tonight- but who am I kidding. In all honesty I was intimidated. He exuded the type of confidence that would make any girl melt.

Between my half-assed attempt at making myself look 'presentable'

Mom and Karla were locked out of my room for about an hour now. In an effort to mute out their excitement that I finally made a "new friend" and how, "interacting with my peers is just what I needed"


The fact I still hadn't decided on what I was wearing to this party was a little nauseating, you would think ripping out every article of clothing in your closet would help

Interrupted by the buzz of my phone I glanced down at the notification

Sage: Outside..
Groaning loudly, I replied

I'll be out in 5!

I Frantically let my hair down allowing my curls to cascade down my shoulders.

Throwing on a white fitted bodysuit with semi destroyed light wash denim. I rushed over to my bathroom touching up my lashes with a coat of mascara and some gloss. Completely disregarding any need for foundation.

Feeling like a fucking mess I grab my belongings and zipped my way down the hallway down the stairs

To find Karla and Mom watching re-runs of their daytime soap opera's giggling

no surprise there.

Carefully slipping on my trusty converse I managed to leave the house undetected.


I made my way over to Vienna's cadillac, and was greeted by none other then Sage himself.

Leaned over the passenger side with a genuine smile on his face

" Thought you were bailing on me for a second there" He shouted.

I couldn't help but chuckle.

"I'm sure you didn't wait to long" I replied softly.

Taken off guard Sage swiftly opened the passenger side door and motioned for me to get in.

Which I reluctantly did

As he hopped in a sly smirk appeared on my face when I realized the artist that was on his playlist.

"Doja Cat?" I asked.

I was lost for words. Never would I have guessed he would be the type to even listen to her music.

In typical Sage fashion, he turned in my direction with a blunt expression

"What about it?"

My brain was practically scattering for words

"definitely wasn't what I had in mind"
I motioned to his playlist genuinely surprised.

"Ahh well I've got an acquired taste of music.. whatever I vibe with, you know?"

Flustered I nervously fumbled with my seatbelt as we both held each-others gaze, sage almost sensing my discomfort quickly passed his phone over.

"Here play a tune that's on your mind"

"Oh alright"
I replied.

Thanks to my quick thinking John Mayers, Gravity soon filled the Cadillac with his melodic voice. Feeling at ease I glanced over at sage who nodded approvingly.

"Interesting song choice,"

Sage stated in bobbing his head along with the bass

"Yeah used to be dad's favourite song, played it all the time"

Feeling my face heat up I instantly regretted the slip up I had made.

"He around much?" Sage asked out of curiosity.

Cautiously I glanced over at him driving debating if he deserved an answer, what reason has he given me not to trust him, right?

"Well he left that's about it really, never knew the guy only childhood memories," I  stated bluntly.

Truthfully, no one deserved to know the full extent about my sorry excuse for "parents" and the mental/ physical turmoil I've undergone. I wanted someone to know me on my terms not through what I have been through. My Trust issues ran deep.

Sage nodded in response almost like he sensed my discomfort as he reached over and gently squeezed my hand in reassurance.

My face instantly burned up by the swiftness of it all.

"Wh..what's that for?" I chuckled

Feeling the car come to an abrupt stop, he peered over quickly with a grin

" I just wanted to feel you is all, that alright Lee"

With that same sly smirk on his face, feeling my throat close up all I could do was nod back at him.

He was trouble.

Dropping anymore questions I had for once I allowed myself to live in this moment, truly feel our hands intertwined for the moment without a care in the world.

Feeling all giddy I was surprised by how welcoming sage had made me feel, I didn't question his intentions much but my thoughts still lingered as to why me..

Absolutely love this chapter took a minute to Finnish, any predictions? Y'all skeptical of sages intentions? Is Leah way over her head? Lemme know how you feel bout this, thanks for reading🙏🏾💖

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