Chapter 2

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Warning: Depressing shit ( iguess not really tho)

Izuku PoV

After changing out I headed out to the park, I know I'm not supposed to but feeling the cold breeze on my face helps me I guess. Today felt off, I don't know why but I just didn't have a good feeling, really. The park was almost completely empty, but I didn't mind, just meant that there was going to be fewer people giving me weird looks. Every step I took was hell.

 My legs were pretty beat up from my little confrontation with Kacchan earlier so there was a small trail of blood leading to me. I was walking through a blocked off area, it was further out from the main park. It looks like bad stuff would happen here but I didn't necessarily care if anything happened to me. 

Honestly I was only here because I was heading down to the bridge. I was finally going to be free. I felt almost happy for once in my life, I was going to be free from my this cruel place. I wouldn't have to worry about what excuse to tell my mother why I was all beat up and why there was cuts all over my wrists, I was going to be free and that's all I could think about.

I could smell the water underneath the bridge. You could hear the water splashing into itself. When I reached the bridge I felt warm inside, I was happy for the first that I could actually remember. I didn't notice, but I was giggling like a crazy person but honestly, I am a kinda crazy so I guess it's fine.

I don't want to be around anymore. It's not like I really matter. Hell my soulmates are probably better off without me. The world would probably be better without me, a stupid Deku. I feel as if I'm drowning but everyone around me is breathing just fine. I put on a different act when I'm around others. I act like I'm the happiest person to live but really, all it takes is a small smile and a 'I'm fine' to make people think you're okay when really you're fighting a war in front of their eyes but they'll never know.

Before I even realized it my shoes were all ready off and I was sitting on the railing. I couldn't help but feel a little happy.  I pulled out my notebook and wrote a goodbye letter to everyone who helped me through this. 

'Dear Everyone,

I'm sorry for all the times I've made you upset. I'm sorry that my attempts to chat with you got annoying. I don't know what I've become or what happened to me. I'm sorry. It's like everyone is moving on and being who they want to be but I'm stuck. I'm stuck in this hole full of voices and depressing thoughts. People think depression is nothing. They don't care because it doesn't affect them. When I'm gone everything will be fine. The sun will still shine, the grass will still grow, and the Earth will continue its orbit around the sun. I won't matter too much. All I'll be is just a thought in the back of your head, if even that. I'm just going to be another person in history. Sooner or later I'll be forgotten. So I'm sorry. Kacchan, Thank you for helping me realize how useless and pathetic I really am. Sure, you might feel better now, but you've done this to me. I can't continue this struggle anymore. I'm sorry that I cared for you and fought for you. I'm sorry.. - love, Izuku Midoriya <3'

Before I left, I wanted to reminisce on my past. I pulled out my phone and went through all the photos. Most of them were from when Uraraka took my phone at the mall. She ended up taking around 50 photos of us. Her smile would spread to both sides of her face. I felt bad leaving her but I know she'll do better without the burden of me anymore.

Sliding my phone back into my bag, I stuck the note into my shoes and headed back to the railing. I was almost there when I saw a figure at the end of the path. I couldn't tell who it was or what they were doing but I didn't worry to much. I headed back to by my shoes acting like I wasn't heading to the bridge. I really didn't want to deal with someone trying to convince me out of it.

I quickly threw on my shoes and walked down a little hill that was behind me. I looked back at the figure, I could make out two people. My wrists began to burn but I didn't really care because I thought it was one of my numerous cuts. The person on the left was fairly tall. They had black hair and was wearing black clothes. He had purple skin on his chin down to his chest and on his arms. The other one was smaller, not by much. He had light blue hair that covered most of his face

I started walking along the path not looking behind me. I wasn't too worried on the figures, I was just hoping they would leave me alone. I could hear the bottom of their shoes colliding with the gravel underneath them. The steps stopped then I heard mumbling. 

I didn't realize I lost something til it was too late.

Sorry if this chapter was pretty shitty- I really don't have any ideas for this anymore. I also started at a new school last week so yea. The teachers drown us in homework, right now I'm supposed to be doing a paper on history but instead I'm writing this. heh.

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