* Chapter 3*

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Tallulahs breathing started increasing , her body started turning hot and cold , her hands shaking and her stomach erupted with sickly butterfly's.

Tallulahs breathing had rapidly increased cause her to feel light headed, she backed herself against a wall and slide down it until she was a hot mess and the bottom on the floor.

Her hands started to clam up and her fingers got pins and needles and curled into her hand she couldn't feel them nor move them , the pins and needle speed to her legs then her cheeks, every sound around her went blurred and a stray tear fell down Tallulahs cheek causing her to complete break and floods of tears came rushing down her face as her worst fear was happening.

This is what you call a panic attack, it comes with anxiety.

After 20mins or so Tallulah finally calmed herself down and slowed down her breathing , she regained feeling in her hands and could move them and the pins and needles had fled from her trembling body.

Tallulah shakily made her way in to the kitchen got out a mug , ripped open a hot chocolate sashay and boiled the kettle.

She slowly slipped down into one of the two kitchen chairs and placed her head on the table and took a deep breath in before she lifted herself back up again and pour the boiling water from the kettle into her mug half way up then added milk as the other half.

Tallulah slowly made her way into the living room and placed herself on the sofa amongst the fluffy cushions and stared at the blank black screen of the television whilst drinking her hot chocolate.

She was wondering who ever could of sent that note , nobody lives near by her house was one of 3 well sized houses along the lane and they were very well spread apart, this thought was starting to trouble her.

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