Ch.1: 5 crazy badass boy

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Michelle's POV

Hi! My name is Michelle and I'm 13 years old, I have brown hair with highlights in it and I have brown eyes. I'm not your normal teenage girl. Now all of u are wondering "what? She isn't normal?!" well, it's true. I'm an angel and a dark angel and I have all the elements and my eyes change colour to whatever power I use and I can fly. I'm also a princess and my parents are Queen Emma and King Joshua. I go to a school only for princes and princesses, vampires, werewolves etc. Now, I was walking to my locker and right when I get to it, the front doors of the school slam open. In come the 5 crazy badass boys known as "One Direction" I'm in love with them so don't judge me! Anyways, they always pick girls to flirt with. A lot of the girls wear makeup and other crap just to get notice but me on the other hand, I don't give a crap of what I look like I might wear eyeshadow and blush but that's it I promise! I will wear sort dresses with converse high tops or Nikes high tops and my shoes always have to be high tops. I'm actually wearing a short dress with Nikes high tops right now. So, I look at them flirting with other girls and I just roll my eyes. I saw that they saw me looking at them so I quickly turned around and just grabbed the rest of my books ad my red with a black case with stickers iPhone 5c out of my locker. All of the sudden, my locker is slammed shut and I see a smirking Liam leaning on the other locker. "Hey babe. How come I never saw u before?" He asked me still smirking. The rest of the boys got in a circle around me and I was thinking "Is he dumb?" I just smirked back and said "well, Mr.Badass, U never saw me because u and your little group never flirt with me. U guys always go for the girl's that have makeup and that other crap on. Me, I don't give a crap about what I look like because no one notices me anyways. I may be a princess, but I'm a special type. I have more power then all of u guys combined. So, if u could just let me go to class, I will be happy." I just stormed out of there as fast as I can. I finally got to class and I was thinking "I really want the year to end right now" And this is where my story begins.



Hey everyone! This is my new story and I hope u all like the first chapter! I'm writing this on a word document on my laptop then I copy and paste it to Wattpad. I want to give such a big thanks to @OneDirectionZillas for give me the inspiration to make this a story on Wattpad. Anyways, I have to get to homework but let me know if u wanna be in the story. Just give me some info about your character and I'm only accepting 4 people including the person that can make me a cover and a trailer for my book. My name in the story is Michelle and don't forget to give your character's name as well

Hvae a wonderful day!!!

Julia <3

My Horror Life (1D Supernatural Story) By Julia StaffiereWhere stories live. Discover now