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"Everybody has to get older." Julian said solemnly.

"Even Jenny?" I asked, trying to lighten up the situation, "She's just 19."

"Carder, don't you care to stay with me?" He asked desperately. His brown eyes staring deep into my slowly fading eyes.

"Of course I do, Jules. I want to live a long and happy life with you. But... I want to die when the time comes. Death was a right that was ripped away from you unwillingly. I don't want to live forever." I smiled to him, "I'm only 27, I still have a long life ahead of me."

"Maybe to you. But before I can even realize you're aging, you'll be 80. And I'll still be 24." He pulled at his brown hair, "Please just let me do this. I want to spend forever with you. I haven't ever loved someone the way I love you. Not in all my time on this fucked up Earth."

I patted his hand gently, "Jules, see my eyes? They're still blue as ever, not even slightly faded. I'm still young, I still have a lot of life in me." I assured him.

"Every second, your body gets closer to dying. You're going to die before you know it, and leave me here, with nothing to remember you by. Carder, I want to love you forever." Jules grabbed at my shoulder, "Please rethink this."

"It's ok, in less time than my life, you'll forget I ever even existed." I tried my best attempt to make him feel better.

All he did was stare at me, tears running down his face, "I don't want to loose you."

"Julian, it's all going to be fine. I'll come find you in another life." I laughed, "And if not, you'll find someone else."

"It won't be the same," he ran his hand halfway through my blonde hair before stopping and tugging slightly, "I just want you. And it's going to happen. Weather you want it to or not." Jules laid his head onto my lap.

"You're really going to take away the one thing that really makes me a human?" I asked him, stroking his face in my lap.

He just silently nodded in response.

"Don't you think that's rather cruel?" I asked patiently, "I think I'd be very mad if you did that."

"You'd have eternity to forgive me." He shrugged.

"Julian." I sighed.

"Carder." He went along with the flow of things. But even though I may have said it in a sigh, the way my name sounded as he said it gave me butterflies.

"Are you going to do it because you secretly think that's what I want? Or for yourself? If you think it's what I want, you're wrong." I smiled down at him, "I love you, and want to live my short little human life with you. Because I really do love you. If I could take you with me when I die, I would." I tried to be sympathetic, but I could never understand the pain of the almost who had lived through the entire world's development.

"Think about it. You'll get to see everything. Absolutely everything. Flying cars could always be a thing in the future. You can even learn secrets of now, things you would have never even thought about." Jules tried to make immortality sound appealing.

"Well, If it's as great as you make it out to be, why are you so miserable?" I asked.

He sighed, sitting up and kissing me deeply before saying, "Everyone wants immortality. It really is a nice thing. But it's less nice when you don't have anyone to share it with. The only thing that makes me glad I'm immortal is I got to meet you. Who knows how long later, I got to meet you."

"How does your body work?" I asked, I hadn't ever asked before, surprising, "Because people even from 200 years ago were much shorter."

"I change every century or so. It just happens." He shrugged.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2019 ⏰

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