sex is better than vodka

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This chapter involves topics such as alcohol and sex, and is definitely for more mature audiences. Please skip if you feel the need to, or read at your own risk.

Ross' pov:

"Ross ma boy" Garrett,one of my friends smiled at me and pat me on the back.

Well, he was more of a 'bar' friend. You know, that type of dude that you dawn shots with, you hit up chicks with, and you only see them at the bar and nowhere else?

That dude to me was Garrett.

"Sup" I greeted him as he sat down beside me at the bar.

"Damn bro, third night in a row and you're ordering vodka again? Things must be rough"

I looked away as he said that and sighted. God, I'd fallen into a miserable pit.

I kept disappointing everyone with every shot that burned my throat, with every gulp of this bloody liquid. I wasn't an alcoholic don't get me wrong, but when your girlfriend of years cheats on you, and then after you get over that you start getting feelings for one of your friends and they reject you, it kinda gets to you.

So for now, this bar would be my coping mechanism. Hell, I might even go crazy and actually dance and hit up a girl tonight.

Though I doubt I'd be able to do the latter, as my heart felt miserable right now. I'd probably only see her face in the girl that I'd hit up anyway.

"We all go through that tough shit" he nods at me when he notices I'm not going to respond "So for tonight, this bar is your home my friend. Hit me up if you need anything...or anyone" he winks at me with a grin and vlazes over to one of the girls that was standing by the wall, immediately starting to show off.

I could do that for a few nights, but I swear this man was in this bar and getting layed every fucking night. I was surprised he hadn't been either kicked out of the bar, gotten alcohol poisoning or even an std at this point.

My thought were interrupted as I heard my phone ringing.

My eyes were blurry from the drunken state I was in, so I didn't bother to check the contact and simply answered.

God I hope it's not mom.

"I know where you are right now" her sweet voice came as a whisper, drawing me in even though she was so far away.

I moved out of the bar, getting out of there so I could hear her better. Savour her voice.

"I thought you were mad at me" I breathed into the cool air of the night and I could hear her soft sigh at the end of the line "I was, and I technically am, but I don't want you to get killed on your way home, so I'm here"

"Here?" I looked around, furrowing my eyebrows as my head started to poud.

"Yes, look for my car in the parking lot and hop in, well if you can even remember what it looks like"

I could just hear her eye roll from here.

"Laur" I groaned "I haven't been here for too long. I'm fine, you shouldn't have come"

"No you're not" she hissed "and I'm definitely not letting you see alcohol as a treatment for your life problems Ross, beacuse it's not"

"Okay" I softly replied, tired of arguing and turned off the phone, making my way into the parking lot to try and figure out which car was Laura's.

Man, I really was drunk wasn't I? This wouldn't be too pretty in the morning.

You might even be wondering how Laura even knew my address, and the answer was that she knew my favourite bar in the city, if I was ever at a bar in La, I  was at El More's.

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