Buffy and Marty 5

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Another guess after the promo for the series finale. Again really short and similar to part 4.

Marty stands in a group of people. He tells a joke, but they don't get it and walk away. A voice behind him let him turn around. "Hey! I thought you were funny." Buffy says. "That sounded like an actual compliment." Marty is surprised. "It was." Buffy confirms. "What's going on?" Marty asks. "We need to talk." Buffy says. "Isn't that, what we are doing now?" "MARTY!" "Okay fine. What's the matter?" "I need to tell you something, but this is really hard to say for me. I wouldn't tell you anyway. I'm just doing this for Cyrus. I know, that it won't change anything, well at least, I hope, that it won't." "Buffy, I don't know, what you're talking about? You scare me. Is everything fine?" "Yeah, yeah. It's nothing bad happening or something. Well for me it's kind of bad, but nothing really bad. You know, what I mean?" "Actually, no. I'm sorry Buffy." Marty admits. "Well what I want to tell you, is that I ... I might have similar feelings, than you have last year for me." Marty thinks about it a few seconds. "You mean...you have a crush." "Yeah looks like it." Marty looks a little bit disappointed. "Well that's cool. Who is it? You have to tell him!" Buffy is frustrated. "I try to in this moment!" "What? Wait! Are you saying, you have those feelings for me?" Buffy nods her head. "I know, we are friends now and the pressure is of, but I had to tell you, because Cyrus only wants to tell TJ his feelings, if I tell you mine." "I'm sorry, but did you say, that Cyrus has feelings for TJ?" Buffy is disappointed. "Well yes, but what I really wanna say is, that  I know, it's crazy, but I hope we can still be friends. I mean, these feeling will disappear right? It just needs time and yours disappeared. So I have no problem just waiting until it happens with me. I can live with that, I think."  "Mhm." "Mhm what?" "Actually.." "What?" "My feelings for you never disappeared." "But you told me so! And Rachel!" "Well you told me, you aren't interested in me, so I hoped, if we aren't friends and I find another girl, than they will disappear. And I thought they did, but after you called me, everything came back in one second. I didn't wanna tell you, because last time I did, didn't work as planned. We didn't talk for almost a year. So I thought being friends with you is better, than not having you around at all. Besides I hoped, that I fooled myself and have no feelings for you." "But if you still like me and I like you and these feelings might never disappear, how can we stay friends? I don't wanna loose you." Andi walks by as Buffy talks. She stops. "Are you really this stupid?" She asks. Marty and Buffy look at her. "So you two like each other and don't know, how to stay friends? How about being together? We are all waiting of this, since my last party!" Marty and Buffy looked at each other. "Well I already told you, that being a real couple is a possibility for me." Buffy smiled. "For me too." They slowly get closer and kiss each other.

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