Chapter 8: Okay

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POV 1: Ilya's

I stick a cig in my mouth as I pour a glass of coke, Alek and Jacob arrived safely a while ago. Jacob's sitting on the couch with his PS4 controller and Detroit: Become Human on screen, he's been obsessed with the game lately and especially obsessed with Connor, the android sent by Cyberlife. I can't tell you how many times he's said that particular line since he got the game. I kinda roll with it, Jacob's weird that way, I guess. Alek told me everything they did to him, so I didn't worry any more. He's sitting outside on the balcony, calling someone. So, I decided to pour him a glass as well, "Jacob?" I put the bottle back into the fridge.

"Yeah?" Jacob responds.

"Do you want anything to drink? I haven't seen you drink anything since you were back."

"You were gone for half of the day, dipshit, but yeah."

"Okay, so?"

"I've got a bottle of Iced Peach Tea in the fridge, mind getting that for me?" He looks at me and I stick up my thumb.


"You need to stop smoking."


"What's up?" Alek rolls up his sleeves, I hand him his glass and he nods, "Thanks, boss."

"No problem," I lean against the counter, "Mr Lindberg over here wants me to stop smoking."

"Oh, chill," I hand Alek a cigarette as we speak, "I mean I agree," He takes his lighter out of his pocket as Jacob shakes his head.

"It'd be a shame, if someone were to," I pause to chuckle, "Smoke a cigarette," I light my cig as we walk out of the apartment.

"True," Alek blows out smoke.

"You guys are hopeless," Jacob shouts.

"You should probably stop fuckin' Russian CIA agents otherwise you'll start too," I joke, Alek sits down on a chair.

"At least I don't have a deathwish," He shouts from inside, I roll my eyes as Alek starts laughing.

"He isn't wrong."

"Nor am I."

I hold the cigarette between my index and my middle finger as I drink from my tall glass, Alek's still texting on his phone. He smiles as he turns off his phone and places it on the small, wooden table between us. "Who's the lucky one?" I blow out smoke as I look at the city.

"Who do you mean?" Alek leans back in his char.

I put out the cigarette before chucking it into the ashtray, his phone vibrates, "Them."

"Oh, that is a friend of mine," Alek stretches, "I don't think it would bother you, to be honest."

"Shut up," I cough, "Do you have any intel about our next 'meeting' tomorrow?"

"A little," He pauses to pick up his phone to check his messages, "Apparently they want Jacob to stay with us, they also told me not to ask any, and they didn't stress this enough, any questions," I frown.

"Jacob?" I scratch my chin, "How do they know his actual name?"

"The same way you found out," Alek puts out his cig.

"Fair point, I guess," I shrug, "But why?"

"I can't ask them."

"Okay," I look up at the sky, it's already darkening and the stars are coming up, "But do you have any idea?"

POV 2: Alek's

"Me?" I look at Ilya, "Not really, I just think it's off."

Ilya shrugs, "Same here, but it just seems--"

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