Magician ^~^

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When he met her and they liked each other a great deal, he heard things better, and in his eyes the lines of the physical world were sharper than before.

I woke up to the most gorgeous girl in the world lying in my arms. It was moments like these where I just wished that time would stop forever so I could always feel the way I do in this very moment. She moved slightly as her eyes fluttered softly open. Looking up at me with those beautiful sea green eyes and soft pouty lips, leaning down, I gave her a light feather like kiss.

Whispering in her ear, “Good morning Precious,” as I gently pulled her closer to me. I looked down to see her pull the covers up over so I could just see her eyes.

“Are you blushing again Alex?” I asked, grinning cheekily at her, moving my hands to her ribcage.

“Wyatt James don’t you dare,” She scolded, glaring at me.

 I started to tickle her belly and laughed as she started to giggle. Moving so I was leaning over her I grinned evilly and became a dead weight on top of her.

“WYATT YOU FATTY GET OFF OF ME!” Alexis giggled as she playfully punched me.

Looking at her with puppy dog eyes I whimpered, “Did you just call me a fatty?” starting to fake cry as I looked at her.

“Oh no babe I didn’t mean it I was just joking! Please don’t cry I’ll do anything,” she started to freak out, wrapping her arms tightly around me and kissing my tears away.

“Anything?” I said pouting.

“Absolutely anything baby,” Alex said kissing my cheek.

“Can you make me a coffee and breakfast in bed?” I looked up at her laughing.

“You’re a meanie babe. Be right back just got to pop to the shop to get milk for your coffee,” she said kissing me on the lips before getting up and getting dressed. “I love you Wyatt James forever and always,” she said as she walked out the door of our apartment to go get milk.

I got up and sat on the couch watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the TV waiting for my soul mate to get home from shopping. It had been half an hour and I was starting to get worried when there was a knock at the door.

“Hey Darling you scared me I thought something bad had happened to you,” I said while opening the front door, but the person I was talking to wasn’t my girlfriend. It was a police officer.

“Wyatt James, I am sorry to say this son, but we believe that your girlfriend Alexis Morgan was the one that died in a car accident. Can you please come down to the station and identify her?” the police officer said.

I became numb, I couldn’t speak and the officer had to guide me to the back of his car. Placing me in the seat and putting my seat belt on for me before getting in the front and driving to where I had to identify the body. My body was shutting down with all my emotions leaving me. I couldn’t feel or remember anything except her last words to me, ‘I love you Wyatt James forever and always.’

The officer who had got me here guided me into the room and slowly lifted the tarp to reveal Alex’s cold lifeless body. It was in that moment I had lost everything I had loved in my life. She was my rock, my one and only. If only I hadn’t asked her to make me coffee she would still be alive, lying in my arms as I would kiss her soft pouty lips lovingly but all was now gone.

I sat on the chair beside her and laid my head on her chest, letting the tears flow down my face. I didn’t speak I just sat there looking at her hoping this wasn’t real that I had just fallen asleep watching TV and when I wake up she will be there cuddled up to my side. Somewhere in my mind I knew that this was real and I would never get to see her beautiful smile ever again.

After a while my best friend, Marcus came to take me home. I got in the car letting Marcus talk the whole time while I just looked out the window. Thinking back to a few hours to when I had woken up to my amazingly gorgeous girlfriend lying in my arms sleeping. She was so peaceful then and she is peaceful still, but she won’t be waking up this time.

A week had past and all I could do was sit in the lounge room, writing notes to important people in my life and stare out the window. Not eating, sleeping or talking. It was Alexis’s funeral today and as I walked up to the coffin that my still beautiful yet lifeless girlfriend laid in, I leant down and kissed her cold dead cheek. Walking away knowing that after tonight she would be in my arms once again.

The prayers had finished and everyone was now leaving as the coffin was being lowered into the ground.  ‘I’ll be seeing you soon my darling,’ I whispered walking away from her grave to go meet Marcus at the car.

“Hey Marcus man I just want to be alone tonight if that’s alright,” I said as we stopped in the driveway and I started to get out.

“Yeah Wyatt that’s all good just call me if you need me. Okay?”

“Okay will do man. Bye,” I said as I walked to the front door of my apartment.

Watching as Marcus’s car left my street, I walked away from the window and grabbed the bag that was hidden under the couch, carrying it on my back as I opened the front door. I hopped on my motorcycle and drove to the graveyard where my baby was waiting for me, walking to her grave I opened the bag and grabbed the pistol I kept for safety. Placing the letters I had written to family and friends against Alex’s grave stone. I released the safety clip, pressing the gun up to my temple and placed my finger to the trigger, pull-

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