Chapter 4

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It was a Wednesdays morning , the days past by after that weekend , they even get closer from each other . More likely attached with each other , they we're just hiding their feelings under the rock so that they will not ruin the thing that they had now . A so called " friendship "

Lisa's POV

I was walking at the parking lot of the huge building when i saw something , it's Jennie with a boy , woah that boy looks good but i looked more handsome than him

It seems like they we're arguing , he is pulling Jennie into his car but Jennie manage to remove his hands so i went on them

" What seems to be the problem here?"
I said as i lean at the other car that's facing his car

" Mind your own fucking business dude " he said and he is still pulling Jennie and Jennie look at me like seeking for help

" She is my business dude , fuck off or ill going to burned you in hell " i said and i pulled Jennie closer to me , Jennie hugged my back and she's crying

" You really wanna break a bone huh? Let's see" he said and he managed to punch me but before he punch me i already kick his stomach that made him lay at the ground

he quickly stood up and he punch me in the face , i punch him back and i kicked his rib bone

I told Jennie to went on my car and don't open it until im still outside

He is now suffering from the pain and he managed to stand up and punch me and he kicked me . Fuck this thing is getting into my nerves im being pissed now

I hurriedly stood up and punch him really hard and i kick his balls i punch him again in a upper cut way that made him knock out in pain he is now past out on the ground and i went on the car

I opened the car and i drive her on our mansion

" Oh my gosh Lisa your bleeding " she said while softly touching my bruise on my face

" Ouch " i said in pain

We arrived and we went up stairs on my room

" Please get some cold ice pack and a alcohol and dry cloth" she said on one of my maids and I just sat on the couch at my room

She sat beside me after she got what she ordered from the maids

" Im so sorry about that Lisa , it's my fault again "

" Would you mind if i ask who is he ?"

" He is kai , on of my suitors . I don't like him at all but he pursued me in a relationship that i didn't want . I don't even want to see him ... He always made fun of me and he always bully me at school . I don't have a chance to fight back because he will made something horrible to me if i did " she said as she put the cold ice pack on the cloth and rub it on my bruise

" He is fucking insane . He Fight with the wrong person" i said and i smirk at her

" Good thing you came , thank you so much . I don't know what to do if he force me to ride that car he might kidnapped me if ever " she said and she smiled at me sweetly

" Yeah so let me just called someone on the phone "
I said and i stood up off the couch

"Hello Jungyeon ?.... Yeah bring the crew later we need to take care of something "

" What is it dude?" Jungyeon said

" Bring kai and i need to teach him a lesson .... Also bring nayeon and sandara with you "

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