Tutor - Devin Fox

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Dammit, another D minus on this stupid math test. I dont get it, does Ms. Johnson even like me?

It was 10:53am already, I scowled at Ms.Johnson with the results I got, but no one seemed to notice. I swear its like she had a deep hatred in me. Then again I dont blame her. I was always the "popular" girl. Who claimed to be a "slut". When in reality, I had 3 friends, and had 2 boyfriends in my whole life. It kind of made me cool to be honest. But I didn't mind the attention. Is it wrong that I do? I mean, I'm a teenage girl, who wouldn't like it? .......Right?

Propping my elbow on the desk and resting my chin on the palm of my hand, and listen to Ms.J's rambling on some kid who wasn't happy with his score, as was I. I already knew this day could only get worse.

I saw a light flash at the corner of my eye, noticing Markus, one of my best friends, trying to take a picture of me.

"What the hell are you doing Mark?" I whisper-shouted to him.

"Taking a picture of the famous (Y/N)." Giggling as he did so. Turnning my head to see if the teacher was looking at me, she wasn't thank god. I slowly counted my fingers and flipped him off. Although it was a matter of joking around. Of course I didn't hate him! He's the "amazing best friend that everyone likes" as he stated two years ago.

At that very moment, the bell rang, as I was the last one out of class, Ms.J just had to call my name.

"I noticed you weren't very happy with your scores Miss (Y/L/N)." She explained, tapping her 1 and a half inch heels.


Where is she going with this?

"I have set you up with a tutor,"

What. No. I just cant be tutored, oh please let it be someone I know.

She continued, "with eerrr...." she skimmed down her clipboard, "Devin Fox."

Oh no. Not him. The nerd?! I cant be seen with him. Shit.

He was always the smart kid, did his homework, never missed a day of school. Show off.

"Surley there's some mistake Miss." Laughing nervously

"No." she said flatly. I felt my blood boiling. She has put me through hell this semester. "You start Wednesday after school, I already sent an Email to your parents." she gave me a closed mouth smile.



As I groaned from fustration that tomorrow is my "tutor lesson". I walked down the hall, saying hi to people here and there. But then I see a blonde haired boy walking in front of me.

Thats him isn't it? "Devin P. Fox"? Thats odd to write it on your backpack. Aww poor loser, probably forgetting his own name.

"See you tomorrow nerd." Shoving his shoulder lightly, but enough to trip over his toes.

He was a know-it-all. I hated people like him. But his hair was done like a goddess. Dimples on his cheeks whenever he smiles, which I hardly get the chance to see.

Snap out of it, he's a nerd. And a little prick. Get over it.

Turning down into room 362, I sat down in Mr.Nugent's class, social studies. God I love this class. It was so weird, in the best way possible. He liked bands, and was starting a second career on record labeling. He knew music like nobody else could. Why become a social studies teacher? Why not music teacher? I dont know. We had a real bond when it came to music. He'd say part of a song, and I'd be the only one who got the music reference.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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