John Lennon - Unrequited

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You awoke to an arm wraped securely around your waist, reminding you of the night previous; of how you let the love you had held back for so long flow freely. It was an attempt to make the unrequited love you had cease. But it only fuelled the fire.

It only made you want him more, but it was a reminder that John was the one thing you could never have.

Last night for him was probably a walk in the park, another night another orgasm.

It hurt, not physically but emotionally to move from his grasp. You wouldn't dare look back to the form of John lying peacefully deep in sleep - the soft, pale linen sheets covering him.

It was tempting, oh so tempting. But you couldn't.

You waddled over to the en-suite adjacent to the queen sized bed: locking the door, begging for privacy so you could deal with the whirlwind of thoughts and the ocean of love yearning for the damm to be broken - to cascade and overwhelm the two of you.

You didn't know you were crying until you felt the tile floor, salty tears damning your fingertips. Infact you where drowning in them.

Begging for the thing you so desperately wanted.

John awoke, content, expecting you to still be by his side.

What he didn't expect however was a cold spot beside him and whimpers coming from the bathroom.

He soon grew worried. He slid out of the covers and walked over to the door. He twisted the handle expecting it to be locked, however opening it with ease.

He found your grace, laying goosebumb-covered in a puddle of tears. John yearned to know what had bought this sorrow apon you, although right now comfort was more important.

You hadn't known that John had entered until you felt his now soothing touch on your side.

In a soft, morning voice he whispered:
"What's got my stargazer so worked up, eh?"
You tried to hide your face behind your knees, but John gently placed his hands either side of it, thumbs on the apples of your cheeks - wipeing away the falling droplets.

"Nothing." you spoke, voice hoarse. You did everything you could in order to not look at his mellow gaze.

"C'mon... it isn't nothing if it's got you in such a state, love. Please." his voice ricocheting off the walls belonging to the dull room. You could hide from his inquisition for no longer.

"I'm in love. A love so deep that it's overwhelming.  A love so old, the universe is twice it's age. A love more passionate than an exploding star. A love with no start, a love with no end. An impossible love. For it is crippling that he who owns the key to my intricate, porcelain heart could never share the key to his."

Twas impossible to not notice John's downcast expression as you uttered those words. He was a failure - for it felt as if his only purpose in life was to charm and claim you for his own;

You had fallen for another.

"John you idiot it's you." You felt like breaking down even more now.
John, however looked dumbfounded.
"Yes you, you twat."
"Why are we so fucking stupid." he said, as he leaned into you, lips touching.

What Is and What Should Never Be (Queen and The Beatles x reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now