1. Here we go again

69 10 71

Friday Night

"So how many kids do you want?"

I looked across the table with wide eyes at Jax, the man I'd been set up with for my blind date. Who talks about having kids on a first date?

His neat side parted blonde hair, blue eyes, and clean cut navy blue suit did nothing to mask the rather brazen personality he had. "I, uh, I haven't really thought about kids yet. But I'd want one or two in the later future," I replied.

"Soon, I want at least 6 of em' runnin' around," he said.

"That's... that's a lot of kids," I commented, lifting my glass of water to take a sip.

"I just want you to know what to expect in our future. Sure, you may carry them on your own but-"

He didn't even get to finish his sentence, as I nearly died choking on the water that had yet to make its way down my throat.

"Our  future?? Um, I don't think that's going to happen. At least not with me." I wiped my mouth with the napkin I had set on my lap and firmly planted my hands on the table.

His eyes widen in unfeigned shock. "You don't feel the connection? Harper, from the moment I saw you walk through those restaurant doors I knew I wanted to breed you. You have the most perfect hips. I can imagine-"

"Did you just say you wanted to breed me? What am I, a damn dog?!"

"Okay, now just relax."

"Don't tell me to relax. I don't like the way you just spoke to me," I retorted, looking at him incredulously.

"Forgive me, but you can't blame me for admiring your gorgeous body."

I immediately stiffened in my chair. Any other girl probably would've been flattered being told they had a gorgeous body, but not me. I've never been sure as to whether a guy wanted me for my body or because he was genuinely interested in me, and I had one guy to thank for that; one traumatizing high school experience to taint my mind with doubt and insecurity.

For the last few years I've told myself that I'd "gotten over it", that I'm much better. I truly believe I am- but I can't help but get defensive when people mention my looks. It's as if I'm incapable of accepting a compliment. I mentally cringe every time.

"It's clear to see we want two different things. I'm not ready for a family right now. I just want to meet a decent guy and get to know him, but you're coming on way too strong."

"So, does that mean you don't want to continue our date?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, but yes."

"Well... okay then."

Though we'd only made it through a small plate of appetizers, I dropped a 50 on the table for the waiter and made my way out of the restaurant. Just as quickly as I arrived, I raced to the parking lot to leave. It was rather dark out with the exception of a few lampposts illuminating the parking spaces.

With squinty eyes I carefully walked to the first space on the right side of the lot where my Jeep was parked. Feeling around for the thick plastic monitor of the keys in my bag, I clicked the second button down and unlocked the doors.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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