The Dysfunctional Family of Destiel

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"DAD!!!!" Molly's voice echoed throughout the house. I sighed. Two faces peeked around the hallway. "Yes?" They said in unision. We really needed to figure out away to seperate the two common names for my fathers. Maybe use bionomial nomenclature? Molly would burst in and tell me to shut up my science mouth. Ughhhhhhh, little sisters. Molly came storming aorund the corner at my two dads. She looks mad. Her brow is furrowed and her lips are in a tight line. My dads stare back at her. Okay, the one that is holding a stone-cold expression on his face, but still has a gleam of fright in his green eyes? That's my dad, Dean. He has sandy hair, deep green eyes, and a spray of freckles across his nose. His face has a more square shape. Molly looks exactly like him. Only her blonde hair is pulled into a comical, bouncing ponytail and her face is heart-shaped. I look more like my other dad, Castiel. He usually goes by Cas. He has dark hair, sapphire eyes, and a rounder face. I have the blue eyes and hair, only my hair is curlier and I have an oval-shaped face. It's kind of funny how my siblings and I look like our parents, even though we're adopted. And I shouldn't forget the twins. Speaking of them........

"Ow! Daddy!" Amy yelped from the living room. Her toddler twin brother, Peter had found her pigtails and was gripping them tight. Cas ran out to his twin kids and seperated them. He cradled Amy in his right arm and Peter in his left. While Cas was counseling the double trouble, Molly was stoutly explaining her problem to Dean. "Dad, boy troubles." She said. I bit back a laugh. She was 13. Boy troubles? More like Danny pulled her hair and called her pretty. Dean cracked his knuckles. "What did he do?" He asked my little sister in his deep voice. Molly smiled sweetly. "No, Dad. He doesn't need to beaten into a pulp. Although I appreciate the gesture. What Gunther did was, steal my notes off my paper and cheat on the test." Cas came over to the duo. He absentmindly twirled Molly's ponytail with his free hand. "What's the trouble?" He asked. Dean squatted down to Molly's height. "This seems like a Daddy problem. But if you need me to crush his skull, I'll be putting the twins to bed."

He took the struggling kids out of Cas's arms and headed up the stairs. Molly's shoulders relaxed a bit. It was a proven fact that for emotional problems and math problems you came to Cas. But if you had a score to settle with a bully or needed a pick-me-up sundae and a recap of embarrassing moments, you went to Dean. Cas's blue eyes fell on me. "Go help your dad with the twins." He said in Enochian. Leave it to Dad to make me use my poor language skills. "Okay, but don't forget to make the spaghetti for dinner." I replied back in the odd language. Cas sighed. "I assume you reminded me that I have dinner duty, but you said that I needed to clean up goat's pee in the shower." Cas said. Molly smiled. I rolled my eyes. "We'll work on the Enochian later." Cas said. He made a shooing motion with his hand and I pounded up the mahogany steps to the twins' room.

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