Spaghetti Night Plus Drama

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   "Sweetie, you aren't going to get any nap-time kisses if you don't wear your pajamas!" Dean exclaimed from down the hall. I walked through the passageway to a brightly colored lime-green door. The room that was found behind the door was easily identified as the twins' room. The walls were lined with shelves of toys and sippy cups. The walls were a soft green and the carpet was dark brown. Smart choice not to have white carpet. Two cribs were laying side by side. One pink and one blue. Both had little mobiles of various items. Peter's had an array of old models of cars. Amy's had little colored wings floating about. My dad was struggling to get Amy into her princess nightgown, she kept on running around the room with only her diaper on. Peter was the same. My dad looked so done. Then he saw me.

    "I'll get Amy, you get Peter." I said, grinning. Dean gave a sigh of relief and ran after Peter. I located Amy hiding behind the book case. I snuck up on her and threw her over my shoulder. She sqealed with delight. I pinned her down on her crib and pulled the nightgown over her head. "There. Now you're a princess." I said while bowing. She giggled and stuck her arms up. "Uppy!" she exclaimed. I lifted her into my arms and balnced her on my hip. While sitting down on the rocking chair, I noticed Dad hadn't gotten Peter yet. Dean layed on the floor. "I give up." he said. Peter sat on his belly and punded his stomach. "Dad! You have to read the story!" Amy yelped. Dean rolled his eyes. Cas peeked his head around the door. "So I heard it was story-time," He said with a smile. Peter ran to Cas and clutched his leg. "Dad, you're lucky if Dad survives reaidng time." I said with a snort. Amy snuggled into my arms. I could feel her warm breath on my neck. 

     "Did you make the spaghetti?" Dean asked Cas. Cas smiled sweetly at Dean. He said in a pitch higher than usual, "Yes." Dean gave him a well........female dog face. He squinted his green eyes and raised a eyebrow. "Molly helped me not burn it. And that bascially means that she did the whole thing. I'll read the kids a story!" Cas said in a hurry. Dean rolled his eyes and handed Peter to Cas. He planted a kiss on his cheek and left the room. I pulled up a stool for my dad to sit on. He sat down and Peter started playing with his loosened lue tie. "Which one?" I asked Amy, holding out a couple of books. She pointed to The Fairy and The Princess go to the Ball. I held out the book so that Peter and Cas could see too. "Once upon a time, there was a fairy........" I read the story as the narrator and did a high voice for the Fairy. Cas made his voice as sweet and as girly as possible while saying the parts of Princess Anna. soon, Peter and Amy fell asleep. Amy's hair was spread out across my sweatshirt and her legs were tucked in under her pink dress. I gently lifted her up and placed her in her crib. Cas laid Peter down on his bed and covered him with his frog blanket. I pulled Amy's angel blanket over her shoudlers. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and said, "Sweet dreams, Princess." I turned to my dad who was tearing up at the sight of his sleeping twins. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him. Dad held me tight. "They're so beautiful." He whispered softly. Dad ran his fingers through my dark curls. A light ringing noise sounded downstairs. Cas wiped his eyes and looked at me. 

               "Do I look like I've been crying?" He asked. "You look fine, Dad." I assured him as we closed the lime door and headed to the kitchen. Cas can sometimes be like that. Then again he's not exactly human. We walked into the brightly-lit kitchen. The system at our house is twins eat early, rest of us after. Which means we eat pretty late. Tonight, is spaghetti night. Also Cas's night to cook supper. Hew sticks at cooking. Lucky for him, he has Molly who has amazing skills in the kitchen. I sat down on a mahagony chair. Molly came over to the dining room with a steaming pot in her hand, a paisley apron around her neck, and her blonde hair bobbing up in down in her high ponytail. Dean looks like the opposite. He has an oven mitt around his hand and a grim look on his face. They sit down and we say a quick prayer of thanks. It always seem that Cas is rigid when we say that quick little prayer. But soon the look disappears and is replaced by a look of pure glee because he starts digging into the pasta.

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