New School

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"BEEP" "BEEP" "BEEP" Went my alarm clock. "Uh" I said as I got outta bed. I went to go pick out my outfit today. "Hurry Up!" My mom yelled as I picked out a pink lace shirt and a black skater skirt with my black knee high socks and my black heeled boots. I ran down the stairs. It's my first day of school, oh by the way I'm a high schooler who is now attending Miamisburg High School in Ohio. I picked out my best outfit I had along with by best shoes, ate breakfast, and almost missed the bus, but before all that happened when I was eating breakfast I got a text that said "Welcome New Girl 😏". I thought to myself how did this person get my number? So when I get to school I will ask some of the girls in my grade who sent that. I got on the bus and it was hard trying to make friends and find somewhere to sit. So I sat next to a girl who was sitting alone and I asked her what her name was and said it was Tiffany and I asked her about the text and she said check the group that's always bratty. I said ok and she asked me where I came from, what's my name, she even told me that she loves my accent. I asked her how close we are to the school and she said that we're almost there. I showed her my schedule and she has all classes with me. And then something happened.

This is the end of chapter 2

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