Chapter 7- Angel/Demon + Newspaper Club

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Upon a new day and a new dawn, Tsukune was peacefully sleeping in the Yokai Academy infirmary. Moka sat by his side through the entire night, never leaving even for a moment. Upon the sun beginning to rise and signify a new day, Tsukune began waking up from his seemingly endless comatose-like slumber. When opening his eyes, his eyes came across and connected with Moka's enchanting emerald ones. When the pair fully recognised each other as now being well, they couldn't help but smile.

"... M... Moka?"

"Ah, TSUKUNE!" Moka exclaimed cheerfully as he leaped onto Tsukune, nearly squashing him with her well-developed body and giving him a large hug across his neck.

"Moka, what... happened...?"

"Well, after you defeated all of the Mermaids in the Swimming Club, you were about to properly kill Tamao. But before you could, I managed to somehow stop you. You instantly began listening to me the second I spoke. I don't know how but, afterwards you stopped and fell into a deep sleep. I've been watching you ever since you fell out of consciousness and, yeah..."

Tsukune look slightly suprised, hearing of Moka's indomitable dedication to stay by his side while recovering, but ended on a smile in appreciation. Never before had he had a friend like this, or even known anyone beside his parents who would care for another to this degree. It not only made him happy, but it also gave a warm feeling in his chest, as if Tsukune wanted specifically Moka to actually be like this, and so because she's been this kind there's almost nothing else he needed right now.

"HEY, WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL?!!" A voice suddenly yelled.

The two's moment was interrupted as they found their friend Kurumu Kurono entering the room, shouting in vexation at how they were acting.  She then ran between the two, jumping on Tsukune and giving one of her trademark breast-suffocation's. Moka was forced to step back, leaving Tsukune in his daily dose of pleasurably torture.

"Tsukune! I was SOOO worried when you passed out like that! I don't know what I'd do without you! I was trying to say something, but then this idiot writer cut me off and left me to act as a side character!" Kurumu explained.

(First, I'll have you know I managed to get an A in GCSE English Language, and second, SHUT THE FAX UP, YOU ARE JUST A SIDE CHARACTER!!!)

"Oh Tsukune, you don't know how much I was ready to mourn, I had weeks of speeches planned!" She continued, digging his face even deeper into her generous bust and causing him to wave his arms in terror even more.

Deciding he needed some air, Tsukune teleported himself out of Kurumu's chest, appearing in a flash of white light next to the bed and causing Kurumu to fall on it, responding with an annoyed 'Hey!'.

"Thank you Moka, and you Kurumu, but I'll be fine no-"

As he was about to reassure the two girls, he took a moment to look down his body, only to find he actually had no clothes on. His torso and arms were coated almost completely with bandages, and his lower was... well, completely exposed... (cough cough).

Looking up in embarrassment, Tsukune saw that Moka was blushing crimson red and turned away quickly, while Kurumu didn't hesitate to enjoy the 'view' while it was there.


Bringing his hand up to his chest, emitting a light from the palm and engulfing his body. When it died down, Tsukune's wounds were no longer visible, and he was dressed in the school uniform, minus the jacket.

"Oh, good (hehehe)..." Moka scarcely said.

"Awww..." Kurumu whined, sounding extremely disappointed due to the loss of a prime opportunity for sexual appeal, causing Moka to give a jealous glare towards her.

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