You remember me?!

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Olivia held her side and had a hand against her forehead wincing at the pain. She looked lost and her vision was becoming blurry.
Still she went on, but after few miles, she side tracked from the road, tottering,suddenly tripped,fell and rolled down a ditch with a grunt, holding her side which was bleeding a lot. The young girl felt a hot liquid pouring down her temples and knew it was blood. Her state was bad, really bad.

Suddenly as her brain couldn't take in the treatments that had been given anymore, the fog clouding her mind started fading.

At the same moment a yell erupted in the night. "OLIVIA!!!!!!!!"

Footsteps approached her and someone bent over her crouched body. Weakly she opened her eyes and gazed at the young boy anxiously staring at her and checking for the wounds. She frowned weakly and tried to speak but nothing came out.
Her dried lips slightly tore and bled.

He bent closer and gasped "Oh my god, Olivia! I need to get you back to the hospital! You're gonna be okay! You're gonna be okay!"

As he started moving to carry her she stopped him by clinging to his hand and squeezing it, gasping
"No! Don't... take me back to these people.......I mustn't go there........
Please.......not.....the hospital......."and as she spoke she held out her forearm to him, obviously expecting something he had to do now.
He didn't catch all the things she said so he repeated "I'm taking you to the hospital, now."

He frowned as she fiercely nodded as though her life depended on it.
"Please......"she gasped again, staring right into his eyes.
"Don' that......."

But it was too late, an ambulance arrived and stopped a few meters from them. Tears shone in her eyes. The young boy frowned lifting his head and gazing at the vehicle. "How do they know you're here?! I never called!" She looked at him with pleading eyes, tears now streaming down her face. Some nurses were coming to her with an equipment.

She squeezed extremely hard his hand and alertly gasped " Please! Don't let them take me...please,....."
She paused and whispered softly but weakly :

"Please, Peter, .....please."

The boy went white and flinched at the name, astonishment written on his face "What did you just say?!"
Suddenly the nurses installed her on the stretchers, but she held on tight to his hand, her eyes locked with his.
He looked dumbfounded and she repeated "Peter..."

He let out a breath and whispered, tears in his eyes " remember me??!"

The nurses put a mask over her mouth as she nodded desperately, silently sobbing, a flash of heartbroken sadness in her eyes. Peter suddenly seemed to wake up and noticed her distress as she continued to stare at him, crying and as they took her away she closed her eyes, tears escaping her eyes.

As she was taken away from him, Peter suddenly noticed her hand clung to his and he asked "Wait, where are you taking her?! How did you know she was right there when no one called you?! "
The nurse sent him a despising look and grumbled "Why should you care?
We are here to take care of her and heal her."

But his eyes fell on Olivia who shook her head at the nurse's words. She continued to stare at him but slowly the gaze in the mask made her drift away to sleep.
The stretches were taken away and Peter stood there, not moving, but holding his arm out to keep her hand to the very end, until it finally fell back.

Peter suddenly noticed a dark spot on the forearm she had held out to him.
A tracker...
He thought but before he could think of anything Olivia had been placed in the ambulance and they slammed the doors shut. Peter suddenly felt his blood boiling in his veins and he began running after the vehicle, desperately but it moved and began to drive away.
He ran, yelling "OLIVIA!!"
But he stopped, seeing how useless it was. His eyes desperately followed the vehicle as he watched his dear Olivia being taken away from him again.
He whispered her name at the same time she murmured his in her mind which was getting more and more cloudy....

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