Getting saved by him

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Just then the teacher walked in "sit down class welcome to your first day at U.A we will be fighting I am going to put you in groups between villains and hero's so here are the groups villans are iida,momo,... hero's are Uraraka,(Y/N),izuku,kasuki,... so get into your groups and get your places" mr.aisowa said "ugh I have to be with izuku"bakugou sighed out. They then got places this is the places

Kiri:look out
That is the places they got. They then got to the house "let's spread out" bakugou said "can we be put into groups like two people together" deku said "fine" bakugou said between his clenched teeth "(Y/N) with me everyone get who you want (Y/N) come on" bakugou said they then ran to find the bomb but found iida he then went after (Y/N) but bakugou was able to hit him before he hit her "are you ok (Y/N)" bakugou said "ya let's go" (Y/N) said then they ran into the room where the bomb was to see...

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