Not All Strangers Are Dangerous (A Harry Styles One Shot)

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Kaitlens's POV

We've been sitting in this mall for hours. I really just want to go home and take a long nap. Yes, I wanted a girls day out but all Jalen and Jennifer are doing is flirting with random dudes and trying on random clothes in random stores that we never shop at. I mean I would be too but I have a good boyfriend in my opinion. My phone started to vibrate in my pocket signaling that I have a text message. I pulled my phone and saw that it was from my boyfriend just saying to come to the bar after I get done at the mall so we can go out to dinner. This made me even more excited we haven't gotten to spend "quality time" together in forever.

"Jalen and Jennifer hurry up!" I screamed. I've been sitting on this waiting room bench for so long that I think the imprint is gonna be on my bum. Minutes later they come out of the dressing rooms finally ready to leave.

The whole ride to the club all they did was brag about how many number they got. I swear these girls are like the female versions of Vinny and Pauly D from Jersey Shore. After that long interesting car ride we finally arrived at the bar, but my boyfriend wasn't outside yet. Seeming I really despised the taste and the smell of alcohol I chose to wait outside, hoping that he'd be out soon. Jennifer and Jalen offered to wait with me but I didn't want them to feel as if they had to so I said no.

About an hour passed when I finally chose to go in the bar. He knows how the smell makes my stomach churn.

I entered the bar beyond pissed off. He should've been outside! I search the dance floor but he isn't there. I search the V.I.P section but he isn't there either. Going the place that I despised the most last; the bar counter.

My vision started to blur when I saw the scene in front of me. My boyfriend snogging with some blonde bimbo. She had her legs around his waste and her tongue down his throat. She wore a skin tight black leather dress with slits up the side. Showing too much cleavage if you were to ask me.

I couldn't watch any longer tears fell down my face like the showers that are british. I felt hopeless, used, and unloved. I turned around and ran out of the bar as fast as my tiny feet could move. I couldn't see because my vision was blurred from the salty tears flowing from my eyes. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve hoping that it'd help me see better as I crossed the street. Thinking that the light was green but it was really yellow. Not looking up from my makeup tear stained sweater sleeve something hit me the force was too much to handle. I blacked out.

"Love, love. Are you alright? Can you hear me?" A deep husky voice with a thick british accent rang through my ears. Sounding worried and scared. I couldn't speak so I let out a small whimper to let him know that I was there. "Okay the ambulance is on its way just stay with me love." I'm assuming this stranger was a man his big hands caressed my cheek. It wasn't weird or awkward it was comforting. A feeling I haven't felt in a long time.

5 minutes later the ambulance still hasnt arrived but the stranger stayed with me. Telling me that everything was going to be okay and singing to me. He had an amazing voice so angelic and lovely. It's as if just the sound of his voice made the whole world come to a stand still. I wish I could tell him these things or just catch a glimpse of his face. But there was still painful to move. So for now I have to just imagine what he looks like.

After a long while the ambulance finally arrived to the scene. They asked the stranger all types of questions. They took him away from me and it instantly felt like a part of me went along with him.

A/N : So I'm going to make this 2 parts because I really like this. Hope you guys enjoyed it too! Who do you think the stranger is? Do you think she will ever see him? Comment, Vote, Fan Love you!

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