Chapter Nineteen

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Jason sent up a silent prayer when he saw Brittany alive and well. Then the sound of the van's engine followed by a gunshot filled the air. When the second blast echoed through the SUV, he moved to the passenger side and eased the door open, then rose. Judd was trying to get away and Brittany wanted to stop him.

Two more police vehicles came into the alley from the opposite end of the street. The officers parked their vehicles to box in the van while another squad car joined the first one to completely seal off Judd's escape.

The van, with two back tires flat, came to a stop feet from the police at one end.

"Come out with your hands up. More police are arriving," one of the cops said into a bullhorn.

Brittany moved back toward Jason, holding her gun at her side. He took her other hand. "I hope this comes to an end today."

She slid a glance at him. "So do I."

Five long minutes passed. Jason prayed the man didn't do something foolish.

"I'm coming out." Judd waved his hands in the air and stepped down from the back of the van.

An officer rushed forward, grabbing Judd by the arms, pulling them behind him and locking handcuffs on him.

Finally, Jason drew in a decent breath then released it slowly. "We have to pick up the girls." Jason checked his watch. "School let out five minutes ago." He smiled. " Time speeds by when someone is trying to kill you. I'll call the school so they won't worry."


Brittany leaned over and kissed both girls good night that evening at Jason's home. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Promise?" The young girls looked eagerly at Brittany.

"Of course. I can't leave town without going to your dad's big concert."

They all three beamed from ear to ear.

Brittany left the room while Jason tucked his daughters into the bed. In the hallway, Brittany tried to tamp her emotions down. After wrapping things up with the police, who assured them that Judd would remain in jail since he broke his parole by having a gun in the van, her job was over.

Jason left his Kendyl's bedroom, took Brittany's hand and tugged her toward the den where he sat and pulled her down next to him—not saying a word.

She relaxed, for the first time since this all began. "Dad called me this evening."

Jason's eyebrows hiked up. "He did?"

"He saw the news about what happened today. He wants me to come over and see him."


"Yes, I need to talk to him, and I can't pass up his invitation."

"You're going to forgive him, aren't you?"

She nodded. "It's time. It does no good to keep my anger bottled up inside of me. How about you with Judd and Jessica?"

"I'm not doing a DNA test because I don't care if Keeley is my biological daughter or not. She is my daughter. I hope Judd gets help with his anger. Jessica's cousin told him my wife was pregnant weeks before we got together. That sent him on a rampage . He was determined to take Kendyl away from me the only way he knew how—with violence. All I can do is pray for the man and hope he finds the Lord."

"And Jessica?"

"She gave me the most precious gift of my life—my daughters. How can I be upset about that?"

Brittany cradled his face in her palms, looking into his dark eyes for a few seconds before rising. "I'm staying at Dad's or a hotel tonight. We'll talk tomorrow."


She nodded and headed for the front door.

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