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Finally I gave in; solitude, grieve, pain, regrets and disgust all piled up in my tiny conscience.

I was all but okay.

All eyes watched as every mouth with access to strong vocals uttered the meanest of words imaginable.

“What is that noise?" I wondered. I could hear faint cries from a far. Then they got closer and as the Doppler Effect diminished I finally became familiar with the noise.

It was sirens from the multiple police cars among other emergency responses that approached my locale.
It was supposed to be no surprise but for a moment the seriousness of the moment gave me the creeps. I was not the kind to attract this much attention, at least not in red and blue. I was always extra careful.

I suddenly felt so scared and as I looked from left to right looking for a possible escape root my thoughts were constantly interrupted by the loud hauls of every dog in that neighborhood.

It was no surprise given that the moon was high in its throne and every star shed its light towards the earth like disco lights.

Maybe it was the killer cold or maybe it was the fear, whatever it was made my bones shrink and my skin tremble like an overrated earthquake.
Shiver crept in like a thief and I scolded myself in reproach.

“I am so stupid.” I thought to myself.
“You could have run before all this turned into a red sky scene.” My thoughts blubbered on.

That’s when everything went dark.

It was weird, my whole body felt numb but my mind felt more alive than ever. I began to reminisce of all the events that had led to that moment.

“It has now been three weeks since my first encounter. I am very scared at this point since I’m being hunted by three men fully armed and very dangerous.

I have literally no weapon and although I have an advantage of distance my legs are slowly wearing off.

I have eaten nothing in the last 24 hours and my body is completely dehydrated.

I urgently need to rest.” That was me recording my current events.
Immediately I uttered the word rest my body gave in and my leg became feeble. I couldn’t move not even another inch, I needed to catch a breath. Caught in thoughts I landed on a tree trunk and that’s where my mind decided to shut too.

It was no surprise that this happened. I had been running for hours, to be accurate four hours nonstop.
So there I sat with my back leaning on the trunk of a dead tree. The cold breeze made it no picnic especially to a half naked strange being like myself. It was the beginning of the winter solstice and I desperately missed summer.

There was barely any game to hunt; every creature was happily hidden in their habitat except for me and the three men chasing after me. But again even if there was,  I'm the type that would rather pet than kill, except for snakes.  I loathed those crawlers with every nerve in my skin unapologetically.

It was as clear as the glowing moon that this time round I was not going to make it out alive. I was more negative than usual, all I smelled was death around me and as my father had taught me 'always trust the nose before your eyes'.

THREE3PERSONS #Wattys2019 [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now