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Walking slowly down the hallway of the cursed school, Yoshiki could smell the scent of decomposing bodies. He didn't know where Shinozaki was, but he sure as hell was going to find her.

He paused his walking and groaned, face palming so hard that his head started hurting.

“How could you even let your guard down enough to lose her during that stupid earthquake?!”


“Are you sure about going into this room,Shinozaki? I suppose that the door is this damaged for a reason..” Yoshiki said, a flush of worry covering his voice.

Ayumi groaned in annoyance and turned around on her heels.

“Look, this is the only room on this floor we haven't covered yet and for all I know, the answer on how to get out of here could be in this room!”

Yoshiki sighed and rubbed his hand through his hair.

“I guess so.”

Ayumi turned back and pushed the door open.

The room had an awful smell covering it. The scent of decomposing meat, or rather say, bodies. It also had a really eery feeling covering it, as if it was different from the rest of the school.

Ayumi started walking forwards and almost jumped back in fear when she stepped on a loose floorboard, making a cranky noise emerge from it.

Not even five seconds after Ayumi stepped on the floorboard, the school started trembling again and the floor started cracking open. Yoshiki tried to pull Ayumi over the edge of the crack, but failed to reach her and before he knew it, Ayumi slipped and fell down into the dark hole that the earthquake created.


Even a floor lower, he could still smell the decomposing bodies. Or was it from somewhere different..?

He turned around the corner to see a similar room to the one where the earthquake emerged, all though he was pretty sure it happened the floor above.

Yoshiki felt worry washing over him and rapidly made his way to the room, opening it, only to see the body of Ayumi crashed into the ground.

Yoshiki gasped for air and threw his blankets off of him.

“Another nightmare..” He sighed. “The same damn nightmare again.”

Ever since the dreadful events in Heavenly Host, nightmares have been haunting him.

A flash from outside lit the room up, followed by a loud rumbling noise, hinting that it was thundering outside.

He moved to the edge of his bed and rubbed his eyes, until the sound of his doorbell caught his attention.

“Who the heck comes to visit me at 2 A.M?!” He muttered and got out of his bed.


Yoshiki pulled the door open angrily.

“What-” He paused when he saw the tiny girl with blue hair standing in front of him. Her hair wasn't in two pig tails like usual and it was messy, suggesting she probably got out of bed to walk here.

“Shinozaki..?” He mumbled. “It's 3 A.M, what are you doing here..?”

She hesitated for a minute, but then spoke up.

“Can I please come in..? I had a terrible nightmare, this one was worse than the other's and..”

Her voice sounded more and more upset the more she spoke and Yoshiki didn't want her to cry, so he pulled her inside his apartment.

“Of course you can come in.” He said.

Yoshiki guided her to the couch and gently put his hand on one of her shoulder's.

She was shaking.

“Shinozaki.. You're trembling. Should I make some tea for you..?”

Ayumi shook her head.

“Why did you, out of everyone, come to me?”

“I had a nightmare.. And, it was so unlike from all the other nightmares I experienced so far.. I couldn't calm down and the only person that could possibly help me..”


Yoshiki nodded.

“It's okay.. I have nightmares frequently as well. I just had one, to be honest, which is why I'm awake.”

Ayumi gazed up to him and sighed.

“What was your nightmare about?” Yoshiki asked.


“It was so strange, everyone, everyone who died.. They kept appearing around me, saying how it was my fault that they died.. and.. y-you..-”

Ayumi didn't manage to finish her sentence and bursted out in tears, having them streaming down her face rapidly.

“Me?” Yoshiki wondered.

“Everyone, even you.. You all appeared in front of me.. and.. I know it's my fault.. I know you hate me, you all should..” More tears started spilling out of her eyes and Ayumi started hiccuping.


“I don't hate you.” Yoshiki said firmly.

Ayumi's hiccups started slowing pace and she wiped her eyes.

“What was your nightmare about, Kishinuma-kun?”

Yoshiki hesitated for a bit, but then spoke up.

“I always have the same nightmare, every night..” He mumbled.

Ayumi tilted her head slightly in curiosity.

“It's about losing you.. It's about me, not being able to protect you. I would die on the inside if I didn't manage to protect you. All my life, I've been told how I'm worth nothing, until you came along. You saved me by helping me back then, even though you never realized how much your words meant. Every time I see you smile it feels like things are going to be okay ,even if that may not be the case.”


Ayumi blinked at gazed into his grey, calming eyes,


“Shinozaki, please, show me your smile.”


Ayumi hestitated for about a second, but she gave him a weak smile through her own tears. She never actually realized how much she meant to Yoshiki.


“I wont die, Kishinuma-kun.” She mumbled and she tugged his shirt. “As long as you're with me..”


Yoshiki smiled and pulled her into a hug, thightly enveloping his arms around her.

“I love you, Shinozaki.” He muttered in her ear. “Don't die..”


She sighed and let out a small whimper.

“I won't die, Kishinuma.” She said. “I love you too.

After that, they both drifted off in each other's arms, feeling a certain kind of safety coming back.

One that they've head inside Heavenly Host.


Each other.

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